下面哪项是RIFLE 标准的损伤期?
肌酐升高 x 1.5 或GFR降低 >25%
肌酐升高 x 2 或GFR降低 >50%
UO <0.5ml/kg/hr x 6 小时
肌酐升高 x 3 或GFR降低 >75%
【单选题】 测量尿液肌酐及血浆肌酐浓度应留取的尿液标本为( )
①  24小时尿
②  即时尿
③  晨尿
④  中段尿
⑤  睡前尿
【单选题】 "慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)是指持续时间()的肾脏结构或功能异常,包括出现()以上的肾脏损伤标志阳性或肾小球滤过率(GFR)下降(GFR<60ml/min.1.73m2)"
①  " >3个月;3个月
②  >2个月;3个月
③  >3个月;2个月
④  >2个月;4个月
⑤  >4个月;3个月"
【单选题】 慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)是指持续时间()的肾脏结构或功能异常,包括出现()以上的肾脏损伤标志阳性或肾小球滤过率(GFR)下降(GFR<60ml/min.1.73m2)
①  >3个月;3个月
②  >2个月;3个月
③  >3个月;2个月
④  >2个月;4个月
⑤  >4个月;3个月
【单选题】 关于内生肌酐清除率的标本采集,错误的是
①  试验前连续摄低蛋白饮食3天
②  收集24小时尿
③  抽动脉血2~3ml
④  所取血液需注入抗凝管中
⑤  血尿标本同时送检
【单选题】 慢性肾脏病是指经肾活检或检测肾损伤标志物证实的肾脏损伤或GFR持续<60 mL/(min·1.73m2)≥( )
①  1个月
②  2个月
③  3个月
④  6个月
⑤  12个月
【单选题】 8、输尿管结石引起急性肾功能衰竭时GFR降低是因为
①  肾小球毛细血管血压下降
②  原尿回漏
③  肾小球滤过面积减少
④  囊内压升高
⑤  以上均不对
【单选题】 CKD3期GFR约为
①  ≥90
②  60-89
③  30-59
④  15-29
⑤  <15
【单选题】 &lt;p&gt;社会主义革命的目的是()。&lt;/p&gt;
①  解放生产力
②  实现共产主义
③  建设社会主义
④  改变生产关系
【判断题】 肌酐-身高指数表示瘦体组织空虚程度的灵敏指标
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 为了准确定量尿液中的肌酐,必须收集的尿液种类是( )
①  餐后尿
②  白昼尿
③  夜间尿
④  24h尿
⑤  晨尿
【单选题】 -Weve worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?-_____________________.
①  I like it.
②  You are wonderful.
③  Thats a good idea.
④  ok
【单选题】 We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ________cost.
①  low
②  lowest
③  lower
④  lowing
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  with
【单选题】 I have no idea _____ to make my speech interesting.
①  how
②  why
③  when
④  what
【单选题】 Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in ____________with major textbook publishers.
①  form
②  link
③  conjunction
④  to
【单选题】 The fact ________ that we are behind the other classes.
①  seems to be
②  looks to be
③  remains
④  talk
【单选题】 The company is trying every _____to improve the quality of products.
①  meaning
②  means
③  mean
④  meanings
【单选题】 Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs __________to anyone in the world.
①  useful
②  available
③  easy
④  hard
【单选题】 The news came _____ we won the first prize in the competition.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  how
【单选题】 _________, the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.
①  Undoubtedly
②  Doubtedly
③  Undoubted
④  doubt