【单选题】 肺炎克雷伯菌所致的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重可选( )进行治疗
【单选题】 关于慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重的治疗原则叙述有误的是( )
【单选题】 治疗肺炎衣原体所致的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重,宜选药物( )
【单选题】 上消化道急性GVHD需与以下疾病相鉴别
①  疱疹病毒感染
②  念珠菌病
③  非特异性胃炎
④  包括A.B.C
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死()
①  心率>100次/分
②  心率<100次/分
③  心率>160-220次/分
④  心率>140-180次/分
⑤  心率>110-160次/分
【单选题】 急性心肌梗死所致心律失常发生率最高的时间为急性心肌梗死后
①  头24小时内
②  1~3天
③  4~7天
④  2周以内
⑤  1个月以内
【判断题】 慢性阻塞性肺疾病,是慢性感染性疾病
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 慢性阻塞性肺疾病,简称慢阻肺(COPD)。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 急性下璧心肌梗死易发生()。
①  缓慢性心律失常、室速、室颤
②  室速、室颤等心律失常
③  低血压、休克
【单选题】 慢性阻塞性肺疾病诊断金标准为
①  双肺弥漫性肺气肿
②  慢性咳嗽,咳痰伴喘息,每年发作三个月,超过2年
③  吸入支气管舒张剂后FEV1/FVC<70%,提示为不能完全可逆的气流受限
④  低氧血症伴有CO2潴留(Ⅱ型呼衰)
⑤  吸入支气管舒张剂后FEV1/FVC<80%,提示为不能完全可逆的气流受限
【单选题】 The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the killing Indian Ocean Quake-tsunami has ____ the Chinese people’s unselfishness and internationalism.
①  letout
②  broughtout
③  givenout
④  takenout
【单选题】 I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.
①  chance
②  heart
③  sight
④  experience
【单选题】 ——Mary, what would you say to a holiday for the weekend? ——____. I am simply tired of life here.
①  You’retakenthewordsoutofmymouth
②  Enjoyyourself
③  Ican’taffordthetime
④  Whereshouldwego?
【单选题】 ——Do you have anything in mind ____ you’d like for supper? ——Well, ____ is okay with me.
①  that;anything
②  which;everything
③  what;whatever
④  where;something
【单选题】 ____ nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.
①  /
②  That
③  Itisacceptable
④  When
【单选题】 Women have ____ equal say in affairs at home.
①  any
②  some
③  /
④  an
【单选题】 ——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come. ——I’m not sure if she ____ free.
①  willbe;is
②  isgoingto;is
③  is;is
④  is;willbe
【单选题】 I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.
①  any
②  none
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 A British man who ____ to play practical jokes ____ his own humorous art work in four major New York museums over the last two weeks.
①  liked;hassecretlyhung
②  likes;hassecretlyhung
③  hadliked;secretlyhung
④  hasliked;secretlyhung
【单选题】 ——Are you content with her lecture? ——Nowhere near that. It ____.
①  mayhavebeengood
②  couldn’thavebeenworse
③  couldn’thavebeenworse
④  mustbebetter