【单选题】 成人收缩压()和(或)舒张压≥90mmHg被定为高血压
①  ≥140mmHg
②  ≥130mmHg
③  ≥138mmHg
④  ≥145mmHg
【单选题】 脑出血患者降低过高的血压,一般收缩压维持( ) mmHg为宜。
①  160~142
②  140~142
③  150~160
④  150~152
【判断题】 在心室脏收缩的末期,动脉血压达到最高值,称为收缩压。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 有7个人的血压(收缩压mmHg)测定值为:120,123,125,127,128,130,132,中位数为
①  125
②  126
③  127
④  128
【单选题】 动脉性肺动脉高压(PAH),肺动脉楔压(PAWP)≤15mmHg,肺血管阻力(PVR)()
①  >2WU
②  >3WU
③  >4WU
④  >5WU
⑤  >6WU
【单选题】 高血压根据血压值的高低的分为三级: 收缩压≥180,舒张压≥110属于()级
①  一级高血压(轻度)
②  二级高血压(中度)
③  三级高血压(重度)
④  四级高血压(重重度)
【单选题】 血压的收缩压公式是下面那个选项?
①  A.3X年龄(岁)
②  B.2X年龄(岁)
③  C.4X年龄(岁)
④  D.5X年龄(岁)
【单选题】 孕34周,因间断有下肢浮肿来诊,查:血压140/90mmHg,浮肿+,余正常。应诊断为
①  妊娠期高血压疾病
②  重度子痫前期
③  正常妊娠
④  慢性肾炎合并妊娠
【单选题】 某患者的基线血压为140/72mmHg,则该患者的基础动脉压为( )
①  94.7mmHg
②  92.7mmHg
③  96.7mmHg
④  97.4mmHg
⑤  98.4mmHg
【单选题】 临床上最常用的围术期低血压范围不正确的是()
①  SBP<90 mm Hg
②  MAP<60 mm Hg
③  MAP下降幅度超过基础值的20%
④  SBP下降幅度超过基础值的20%
⑤  SBP<80 mm Hg
【单选题】 ( ) relationships in happy families can create much pleasure.
①  Principal
②  Intimate
③  Mythical
④  Replaceable
【单选题】 They had been married for a long time but gradually ( ) until they separated.
①  drifted into
②  drifted apart
③  drifted along
④  drifted about
【单选题】 The story Alisa told on balcony is ( ) over.
①  far from
②  far away
③  beyond
④  further from
【单选题】 The test is ( ) to the one your brother took last year.
①  identity
②  different
③  identical
④  intimate
【单选题】 The man went out to the woods to escape from his busy life and get some ( ).
①  lonely
②  safeguard
③  solitude
④  secure
【单选题】 Cut the ( ) at a 45 degree angle so that the roses can take in more water.
①  flowers
②  stems
③  fruits
④  buds
【单选题】 The young man ( ) the food within a well-sealed container.
①  attracted
②  replaced
③  enclosed
④  browsed
【单选题】 Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually ( ) paper money for almost every purchase.
①  exchange
②  substitute
③  replace
④  trade
【单选题】 The president will ( ) the memory of this visit to China.
①  motion
②  replace
③  cherish
④  upset
【单选题】 The young man is an ( ) candidate for the post.
①  ideal
②  inquiry
③  intelligence
④  idea