I was very busy yesterday, otherwise I to the meeting.
had come
would have come
would come
【单选题】 I had to complete the assignment by Friday [] otherwise, I would have failed the course.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 13.I ______to a party tomorrow. Would you like to come too?
①  will go
②  am going
③  might go
④  can go
【单选题】 —Would you like to come to our party this weekend?—______.
①  Yes, it was an interesting party
②  No, I’d like to
③  I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party
④  No
【单选题】 A: Would you like come to dinner tonight? B: [填空].
①  Lets put it off till later
②  Thanks, but I have to work overtime
③  I really cant. Youll not mind, I think
④  No, I dont want to
【单选题】 The Brownings have not ____ yet and I doubt whether they will come.
①  turned in
②  turned out
③  turned up
④  turned to
【单选题】 —Why didnt you come to join her party?—I______, but I had to deal with something urgent.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 Henry was very busy yesterday.Otherwise he______ to our my birthday party.
①  would have come
②  came
③  had come
④  will come
【单选题】 If I had remembered __________ the window, the thief would not have got in.
①  to close
②  closing
③  to have closed
④  having closed
【单选题】 —Why didn’t you come to join her party? —I______, but I had to look after my ill mother.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 A: Mary, Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this Friday. B: Whats the matter? [填空].
①  Nothing wrong, I hope
②  Its all right with me
③  Im really sorry for that
④  You can come some other time
【单选题】 劳动合同的三方机制是指政府、雇主和( )之间,就制定和实施经济和社会政策而进行的所有交往和活动。
①  劳动者
②  街道办事处
③  居委会
④  司法部门
【单选题】 劳动合同被确认无效,劳动者已经付出劳动的,用人单位应当( )。
①  向劳动者支付劳动报酬
②  和劳动者解除劳动合同
③  向劳动者支付赔偿金
④  向劳动者支付补偿金
【单选题】 劳动合同被确认无效,劳动者已付出劳动的,用人单位( )向劳动者支付劳动报
①  可以
②  不必
③  应当
④  不得
【单选题】 劳动者的下列收入中,不属于工资范围的是( )。
①  奖金
②  补贴
③  加班费
④  稿费
【单选题】 用人单位招用劳动者,( )扣押劳动者的居民身份证和其他证件,不得要求劳动者提供担保或者以其他名义向劳动者收取财物。
①  可以
②  不应
③  应当
④  不得
【单选题】 职工患病,在规定的医疗期内劳动合同期满时,劳动合同( )。
①  即时终止
②  续延半年后终止
③  续延一年后终止
④  续延到医疗期满时终止
【单选题】 用人单位发生合并或者分立等情况,原劳动合同继续有效,劳动合同由( )继续履行。
①  原用人单位
②  继承其权利和义务的用人单位
③  分立后的公司
④  合并后的公司
【单选题】 《劳动法》第四十一条规定,延长工作时间,一般每日不超过1小时;因特殊原因需要延长工作时间的,在保障劳动者身体健康的条件下,每日不得超过( )。
①  2小时
②  3小时
③  4小时
④  5小时
【单选题】 劳动者在试用期内提前( )通知用人单位,可以解除劳动合同。
①  3日
②  10日
③  15日
④  30日
【单选题】 劳动合同的生效时间,当事人可以在劳动合同中约定,没有约定的,应当自( )起生效。
①  劳动合同订立时
②  劳动者开始参与劳动之日
③  双方签字之日
④  劳动关系建立之日