_____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the Middle Ages.
It is the sun and not the earth
That the sun and not the earth is
Being the sun and not the earth
The sun and not the earth
Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always _____with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.
We feel it is high time that the Government _____something to check the inflation.
Physics is the present day equivalent of _____used to be called natural philosophy, form _____most of present day science arose.
The _____problem of bringing a spaceship back from the moon has been solved.
After so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly _____the little rain that fell last night.
He might have been killed _____the timely arrival of the ambulance.
Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism _____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew.
在马克思主义看来,人的本质在其现实性上是( )。