【单选题】 《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》不包括()。
①  加强安全防范
②  坚持言行雅正
③  秉持公平诚信
④  加强自身素养
【多选题】 《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》包括()。
①  坚定政治方向
②  自觉爱国守法
③  传播优秀文化
④  潜心教书育人
⑤  关心爱护学生
【多选题】 教育部印发实施的《新时代高校教师职业行为十项准则》《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》《新时代幼儿园教师职业行为十项准则》中,对于高校、中小学、幼儿园教师的共性要求包括()。
①  坚定政治方向
②  自觉爱国守法
③  秉持公平诚信
④  传播优秀文化
【多选题】 下列不属于《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》的是()。
①  秉持公平诚信
②  积极奉献社会
③  遵守学术规范
④  规范从教行为
【判断题】 教育部2019年出台了《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》。
【单选题】 教师在教学中注重培养学生的思想道德品质、创新精神和实践能力,这符合《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》哪项准则的要求?( )
①  爱国守法
②  爱岗敬业
③  关爱学生
④  教书育人
【单选题】 教师应遵守国家法律法规,维护国家利益和民族团结,这体现了《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》哪项准则?( )
①  爱岗敬业
②  爱国守法
③  关爱学生
④  教书育人
【单选题】 《中小学教师职业道德规范》指出教师职业道德的精髓是( )。
①  A.爱岗敬业
②  B.鞠躬尽瘁
③  C.热爱学生
④  D.为人师表
【单选题】 《中小学教师职业道德规范》指出教师职业道德的精髓是( )。
①  A.爱岗敬业
②  B.鞠躬尽瘁
③  C.热爱学生
④  D.为人师表
【判断题】 《新时代中小学教师职业行为十项准则》带头践行社会主义核心价值观,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导是“传播优秀文化”的体现。( )
【单选题】 This kind of digital camera is considered the best that has been made ( )in our country.
①  so on
②  so that
③  so far
④  so as
【单选题】 There was much ( ) of the Presidents improper actions.
①  influence
②  criticism
③  genius
④  ability
【单选题】 After the flood the first thing the local government did was to provide ( )for the homeless families.
①  accommodate
②  accommodator
③  accommodation
④  accommodative
【单选题】 Tom has the enough courage to ( ) any challenge in his life.
①  conform
②  confront
③  criticize
④  concentrate
【单选题】 Up to now we have ( )the goal we set at the very beginning.
①  assured
②  influenced
③  possessed
④  accomplished
【单选题】 She took it as an insult which wasn’t at all what I( ).
①  intend
②  intended
③  has intended
④  had intended
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 The company has a primary task to ( )its brand name and improve its brand names attractiveness.
①  international
②  internationalization
③  internationalize
④  internationality
【单选题】 With the rapid development of the economy, all ( ) of our life have changed.
①  filed
②  fileds
③  aspect
④  aspects
【单选题】 Nancy was the only woman to()the experiment and was among the few volunteers who died from it.
①  participate in
②  shared in
③  joined in
④  enter into