【判断题】 代谢并发症属于肠外营养的并发症
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 肝移植主要术后并发症不正确的是?
①  血管并发症
②  胆管并发症
③  术后感染
④  排斥反应
⑤  肝小静脉闭塞综合症
【判断题】 置管并发症属于肠外营养的并发症
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下并发症中,肝硬化最常见的并发症是( )
①  肝肾综合征
②  肝性脑病
③  食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血
④  营养不良
⑤  自发性细菌性腹膜炎
【单选题】 下列哪项不是骨折晚期并发症()
①  缺血性骨坏死
②  缺血性肌挛缩
③  关节僵硬
④  脂肪栓塞
⑤  以上都正确
【单选题】 下列哪项不是肝硬化的并发症
①  胆石症
②  腹水
③  原发性肝癌
④  消化道出血
⑤  肝性脑病
【多选题】 下列属于肠外营养的并发症的是
①  置管并发症
②  感染并发症
③  代谢并发症
④  肠道并发症
【单选题】 无并发症淋病的治疗方法,下列说法错误的是( )
①  A.头孢曲松钠250mg,单次肌内注射
②  B.头孢噻肟 1g,单次肌肉注射
③  C.大观霉素2g,肌内注射,每日1次,连用10日
④  D.多西环素100mg,每日2次,连服7日
⑤  E.阿奇霉素1g,顿服
【单选题】 关于老年高血压患者的并发症,正确的是
①  发生率为20.0%
②  明显低于非老年患者
③  血压持续升高,不易造成靶器官损害
④  血压持续升高,不导致并发症的发生
⑤  明显高于非老年患者
【单选题】 下列哪项不是胃溃疡的并发症
①  穿孔
②  出血
③  反复发作
④  癌变
⑤  幽门狭窄
【单选题】 My father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing ____.
①  help
②  aid
③  support
④  tool
【单选题】 I understand ____ preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline.
①  more than the enormous amount of
②  better than most the enormous number of
③  better than most the enormous amount of
④  fewer than the number of
【单选题】 When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ____ one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.
①  see that
②  except that
③  provided that
④  except for
【单选题】 She resorted to ____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing
【单选题】 Would you mind _____ your radio a little bit? I cant concentrate on my work.
①  turning on
②  turning down
③  turning to
④  turning in
【单选题】 The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth ____.
①  wet
②  water
③  soak
④  taste
【单选题】 ____ me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet.
①  That amazed
②  It amazed
③  Which amazed
④  What amazed
【单选题】 We saw so many ____ flowers when we climbed the mountain.
①  artificial
②  wild
③  manual
④  fake
【单选题】 The electric fan does not work because of the ____ of service.
①  pause
②  break
③  interruption
④  breakdown
【单选题】 It is ____ to fly an airplane at three thousand miles an hour.
①  possible
②  likely
③  maybe
④  probable