【单选题】 UBE技术优点不包括
①  视野清楚
②  创伤小
③  出血少
④  可处理椎管狭窄
⑤  不会损伤神经
【单选题】 UBE术后神经损伤的因素不包括
①  解剖不熟
②  视野模糊
③  神经变异
④  水压高
⑤  操作粗暴
【单选题】 UBE术后神经损伤的因素不包括
①  解剖不熟
②  视野模糊
③  神经变异
④  水压高
⑤  操作粗暴
【单选题】 腰椎管狭窄症的手术适应证不包括:
①  保守治疗效果不佳
②  患者初次发病
③  患者强烈要求手术改善生活质量
④  急性加重的神经损伤
⑤  大小便功能障碍
【单选题】 腰椎管狭窄症的治疗方法不包括
①  牵引
②  休息理疗
③  腰背肌锻炼
④  腰围或支具
⑤  手术治疗
【单选题】 UBE术的特点不包括
①  水介质
②  双通道
③  出血少
④  视野不清楚
⑤  能处理椎管狭窄
【单选题】 UBE术的特点不包括
①  水介质
②  双通道
③  出血少
④  视野不清楚
⑤  能处理椎管狭窄
【单选题】 诊断腰椎管狭窄症的辅助检查不包括
①  腰椎正侧位X线片
②  腰椎双斜位X线片
③  腰椎CT
④  腰椎MRI
⑤  超声
【单选题】 腰椎管狭窄症最多累及的神经根:
①  L1
②  L2
③  L3
④  L4
⑤  L5
【单选题】 周围神经损伤不包括()
①  神经失用
②  轴突断裂
③  神经断裂
④  瓦勒氏变性
⑤  白质变性
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 By the time you graduate, we _____in Australia for one year.
①  will be staying
②  will have stayed
③  would have stayed
④  have stayed
【单选题】 If you want children to work hard you must _____their interests instead of their sense of duty.
①  appeal to
②  look into
③  give rise to
④  go in for
【单选题】 Watch out, the boss is disguised _____ your behavior.
①  to
②  at
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Classification is a useful _____to the organization of knowledge in any field.
①  means
②  approach
③  mode
④  manner
【单选题】 Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly _____.
①  imagining
②  imaginative
③  imaginable
④  imaginary
【单选题】 I was to have a trip abroad if _____.
①  I had not been fired
②  I was not fired
③  my boss won’t have fired me
④  I were not fired
【单选题】 He made a quick _____from his illness.
①  relief
②  recovery
③  survival
④  relaxation
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now, “said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves _____in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 She resorted to _____ when she had no money to buy foods for her children.
①  have stolen
②  steal
③  stole
④  stealing