南宋著名大臣span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span写有《过零丁洋》诗作的是( )。
【单选题】 南宋著名大臣,写有《过零丁洋》诗作的是( )。
①  文天祥
②  寇准
③  陆秀夫
④  范仲淹
【单选题】 span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span文化大革命span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/span给党和国家带来深重的灾难。针对span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span文化大革命span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”,/span下列说法正确的是( )。
①  span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“文化大革命span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”的发动深得民心
②  始终受到老一辈革命家大力支持
③  span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“四人帮span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”积极抵制span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“文化大革命span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”
④  1966年夏天span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,“文化大革命span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”全面发动
【单选题】 清朝后期span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,“/span处处皆关span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span关关有税span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”“/span如有打造双桅五百石以上桅式船只出海者span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span不论官兵民人span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span调发边卫充军span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”。/span这反映了清朝( )。
①  设立关卡span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,禁绝贸易
②  抑制商业span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,实行海禁
③  重农抑商span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,打击海运
④  征收关税span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,限制商贸
【单选题】 红色旅游的宣传词中有span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span井冈山span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span两件宝span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;。/span历史红span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span山林好span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”。/span这里的span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span历史红span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/span指的是( )。
①  农村革命根据地的创建
②  人民军队的诞生
③  遵义会议的召开
④  中国共产党的成立
【单选题】 1979年安徽凤阳县流行的歌谣span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;:“/span大包干span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span真正好span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span干部群众都想搞span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span只要准搞三五年span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span吃陈粮span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span烧陈草span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;。”/span这首歌谣赞扬的是( )。
①  家庭联产承包责任制
②  乡镇企业异军突起
③  国有企业承包责任制
④  建设社会主义新农村
【单选题】 我国古代由span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span公天下span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/spanspan style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span家天下span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/span的标志是( )。
①  禅让制
②  宗法制
③  分封制
④  王位世袭制
【单选题】 抓关键词是学习历史的方法之一span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;。/spanspan style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span1956年span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”“/span公私合营span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”“/span初级阶段span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/span相吻合的历史事件是( )。
①  社会主义改造基本完成
②  中共八大召开
③  span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“一五span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”计划完成
④  第一届全国人民代表大会召开
【单选题】 《宋史》记载span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span有造突火枪span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span内安子窠span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span如燃放span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span焰绝然后子窠发出span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span如炮声span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span远闻五十余步span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;。”/span它描绘的是我国span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span四大发明span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/span中的( )。
①  造纸术
②  印刷术
③  火药
④  指南针
【单选题】 古印度社会有一套严格的等级制度span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span高高在上的是span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span婆罗门span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/spanspan style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span刹帝利span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”,/spanspan style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/spanspan style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/spanspan style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“/span首陀罗span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”/span社会地位低下span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span这种制度被称为( )。
①  世袭制
②  分封制
③  种姓制度
④  中央集权制度
【单选题】 某时期span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span全国各地机关、学校、工厂、公社等纷纷兴建小高炉span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span采用土法炼钢span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span参加炼钢运动的达9000万人span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;,/span建成小高炉百万座以上span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;。/span该现象出现的背景是( )。
①  三大改造的实施
②  span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“大跃进span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”运动的开展
③  span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;“文化大革命span style=font-family: 宋体, SimSun;”的发动
④  改革开放的决策
【单选题】 Since you have already come, you _____ stay here for a couple of days.
①  might well
②  might as well
③  might have to
④  might
【单选题】 I found the book you recommended in the library, ______ is missing.
①  the front cover of which
②  the front cover of that
③  that front cover
④  of what front cover
【单选题】 Malaysian Airlines lost an airplane on March 8 last year, _____ whereabouts still remains a mystery.
①  its
②  whose
③  their
④  the
【单选题】 Neither John nor his roommates _____ in the dormitory yesterday evening.
①  was
②  were
③  has been
④  had been
【单选题】 _____ you work hard enough _____ you be able to get a PhD degree in three years.
①  Only if, will
②  If only, would
③  Should, will
④  Unless, would
【单选题】 China hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, thus _____ her dream to be recognized as one of the greatest nations in the world.
①  having realized
②  realizing
③  realized
④  to realize
【单选题】 Man is superior to animals ______ he uses language to convey his thoughts.
①  that
②  in that
③  when
④  in which
【单选题】 If it _____ for his help, I wouldn’t be a university student now.
①  hasn’t been
②  hadn’t been
③  wasn’t
④  weren’t
【单选题】 The conference _____ next year will be an important event in the history of the country.
①  having been held
②  being held
③  to be held
④  held
【单选题】 Have a word with the manager ______ if he’s willing to reduce the price.
①  and to see
②  and see
③  and seeing
④  so to see