护理体格检查的基本方法( )
【单选题】 护理体格检查基本方法深部触诊法包括( )
①  深部滑行触诊法
②  双手触诊法
③  深压触诊法
④  冲击触诊法
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 全面正确体格检查的益处不包括()
①  改善护理效果和临床疗效
②  提高诊断准确性
③  改善功能和精神状态
④  降低死亡率
⑤  提高疗养院及医院急诊护理使用
【单选题】 腹部的体格检查中,最重要的手法是
①  问诊
②  视诊
③  触诊
④  叩诊
⑤  听诊
【单选题】 高血压的体格检查不包括
①  测量身高、体重计算体重指数测量腰围
②  眼底检查
③  甲状腺检查
④  心脏和大血管检查
⑤  消化系统检查
【单选题】 体格检查包括皮肤、巩膜,淋巴结,乳腺,肺部,心脏,腹部,肛门指诊,下肢水肿,足背动脉搏动,眼底检查。
【多选题】 乳房视诊,正确的是()
①  乳房视诊要在封闭黑暗的环境下进行
②  乳房视诊要在明亮光线下进行
③  充分暴露双乳
④  两侧对比检查
⑤  仔细检查皮肤外观、乳头改变
【单选题】 下列关于男性不育症体格检查的描述,哪一项是正确的?
①  检查应包括身高、体重,但不需要生命体征
②  体态和外形的检查不需要包括第二性征
③  睾丸附睾检查的重点是位置和质地
④  输精管检查时无需关注结节和触痛
⑤  前列腺检查时不需要直肠指检
【单选题】 高脂血症的体格检查重点主要是对于皮下脂肪的测量。
【单选题】 为老年人进行体格检查时最适宜的室内温度是
①  16-18℃
②  17-19℃
③  20-21℃
④  22-24℃
⑤  26-28℃
【单选题】 肩袖损伤相关的体格检查Jobe试验是用来判断()肌腱损伤的?
①  冈上肌腱
②  冈下肌腱
③  肩胛下肌腱
④  小圆肌腱
【单选题】 He was ____ in his work and didn’t hear me come in.
①  critical
②  logical
③  typical
④  absorbed
【单选题】 In English some surnames ____ occupations or people. ?
①  deserve ?
②  desire ?
③  design ?
④  describe?
【单选题】 18. At thirty-three he ____ the chance of a new start in computer business.
①  declared
②  lifted
③  spared
④  seized
【单选题】 Peter: It’s such a nice warm day. I think I’ll go out for a walk. Dave: ____
①  It is warm to take a walk.
②  Yes. It is warm today.
③  I’d like to join you.
④  Yes. Everybody likes this weather.
【单选题】 5. ____ the bad storm Tom delivered the newspapers on time.
①  In favor of
②  In spite of
③  In front of
④  In charge of
【单选题】 Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 ____ the math problem is difficult, Ill try very hard to work it out.
①  Though
②  When
③  Before
④  After
【单选题】 When you meet someone who ____ deeply about something, you probably will want to ask them why they do so.?
①  absorbs ?
②  cares ?
③  considers ?
④  minds?
【单选题】 Theory is based on practice and in____ serves practice.
①  turn
②  tone
③  tune
④  practice
【单选题】 When I got there, Henry ____ to the hospital.
①  had been sent
②  would send
③  was sent
④  would be sent