【单选题】 光镜下判断细胞是否坏死,主要观察
①  染色质形态的改变
②  核仁形态的改变
③  细胞质形态的改变
④  细胞核形态的改变
⑤  细胞形态的改变
【多选题】 线粒体在光镜下可以呈现那些形状?
①  A球状
②  B杆状
③  C条状
④  D线状
【单选题】 下列选项中,哪项不是经皮肾镜穿刺引导的方式
①  超声
②  X线
③  CT
④  电磁引导
⑤  MRI
【单选题】 光镜下所见的纤毛,在电镜下其结构是()
①  绒毛
②  微绒毛
③  纹状缘
④  外包质膜,内含纵行微丝
⑤  外包质膜,内有许多纵行排列的微管
【单选题】 光镜下所见的纹状缘或刷状缘,电镜下是:
①  微管
②  微丝
③  纤毛
④  微绒毛
⑤  张力丝
【单选题】 轻微病变型肾小球肾炎在光镜下的改变是
①  肾小球轻度肿大
②  肾小球内皮细胞轻度增生
③  肾小管上皮细胞脂变
④  肾小管上皮细胞水变性
⑤  肾小球基底膜增厚
【单选题】 以下哪项不是肾肿瘤穿刺的指征?
①  拟积极监测的、小的肾脏占位性病变患者
②  在进行消融治疗前明确病理诊断
③  对于转移性肾细胞癌在进行靶向治疗或化疗前明确病理诊断
④  准备进行开放肾部分切除术的患者
⑤  肾脓肿、转移性肾肿瘤及及淋巴瘤等非手术适应证的肾脏疾病
【单选题】 下列关于光镜下神经元特点的描述,错误的是()
①  细胞形状多种多样,都有突起
②  由胞体上伸出树突和轴突
③  胞核一般较大,多呈圆形,染色浅,核仁大而明显
④  胞体和突起中都有尼氏体
⑤  胞体和突起中都有神经原纤维
【单选题】 对于肾细胞癌的核分级,100倍镜下能看到明显的核仁,是()级
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
⑤  不确定
【单选题】 肾穿刺的适应症
①  蛋白尿
②  血尿
③  不明原因的肾功能减退
④  有肾脏表现得系统性疾病
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 Young people ______ 62% of University teaching staff.
①  comprise
②  compose
③  contain
【单选题】 —Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.— .
①  Yes, they have some bad habits.
②  Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.
③  Well, he like drawing.
【单选题】 — As we all know, the invention of the Internet was a great breakthrough in human history. ___________?— Yes, of course.
①  What is your opinion
②  Do you know the reason
③  Do you think so
④  what do you think?
【单选题】 The caregivers hope the elderly people will soon.(考点:recover)
①  regain
②  restore
③  recover
④  refeel
【单选题】 —Do you have much experience with caring for babies?— .
①  Yes, I do. I am responsible, loving, warm girl, and often take care of kids in my free time.
②  No, you are freshmen. You should work hard.
③  Yes, they are. They are very cute.
【单选题】 —Linda, what’s wrong with your grandmother?— .
①  She is not retired
②  She hurt her leg.
③  She got a new house.
④  She got a new book.
【单选题】 The better the elderly people are known, they are.
①  the happier
②  the happy
③  so happy
④  very happy
【单选题】 —Ken did badly in his math test. Im terribly worried about the result.— .
①  I am so happy he is very healthy.
②  Well, it is hard to see.
③  Come on. it isn’t the end of the world.
【单选题】 She chose to be a teacher, but personally I’d to be a caregiver.
①  fancy
②  prefer
③  love
④  hate
【单选题】 _________ we’ve no money, we can’t buy it.
①  Since
②  Because of
③  Therefore
④  Why