1、智慧感控的工作理念中,不包括( )
【单选题】 3、智慧感控的工作理念中,不包括( )
①  A、自动监测
②  B、制度建立
③  C、智能分析
④  D、及时预警
⑤  E、预防控制
【单选题】 2、智慧感控的工作理念中,不包括( )
①  A、自动监测
②  B、制度建立
③  C、智能分析
④  D、及时预警
⑤  E、预防控制
【单选题】 4、智慧感控的工作理念中,不包括( )
①  A、自动监测
②  B、制度建立
③  C、智能分析
④  D、及时预警
⑤  E、预防控制
【单选题】 5、智慧感控的工作理念中,不包括( )
①  A、自动监测
②  B、制度建立
③  C、智能分析
④  D、及时预警
⑤  E、预防控制
⑥  ' + n.menu_name + '
【判断题】 <p>疫情预警报告可以通过国家传染病智能监测预警前置软件自动生成。</p>
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 科研诚信监测预警服务的预警数据范围不包括哪项?
①  论文撤稿
②  学术质疑
③  失信惩处
④  预警期刊
【单选题】 关于院感防控中“人”的因素叙述,不包括
①  医务人员有无经过穿脱个人防护用品培训及感染防控知识培训;
②  保洁人员有无经过穿脱个人防护用品培训及感染防控知识培训;
③  职能科室人员有无定期督导检查;
④  医院领导是否重视疫情防控工作,是否对值班医务人员进行闭环管理;
⑤  个人穿脱防护用品流程;
【单选题】 无向图G=(V,E),其中:V={a,b,c,d,e,f},E={(a,b),(a,e),(a,c),(b,e),(c,f),(f,d),(e,d)},对该图进行深度优先遍历,得到的顶点序列正确的是( )。
①  a,b,e,c,d,f
②  a,c,f,e,b,d
③  a,e,b,c,f,d
④  a,e,d,f,c,b
【判断题】 中国传染病自动预警系统(CIDARS)的预警信号响应工作流程主要包括接收预警信号、预警信息分析与核实、现场调查、确认事件后按照突发公共卫生事件有关规定开展防控工作。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/D15E15E6C4E28F30B8C66C712E13C1E1.png title=2-B.png alt=2-B.png/>
①  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/71F96B01EC42624D2F43333C279904D8.png title=2-1.png alt=2-1.png/>
②  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/434DC9367A7013D83A4C86FA0710357B.png title=2-2.png alt=2-2.png/>
③  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/CCB45D994475E244267423BA4E6B4A5E.png title=2-3.png alt=2-3.png/>
④  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/0127ABAECB8C07F3EAB3DF13073029B9.png title=2-4.png alt=2-4.png/>
【单选题】 A: Im sorry. Robert is not in his office. B: [填空]?
①  Are you sure for that
②  Would you like to leave a message
③  Can you take a message for me
④  Can he phone me
【单选题】 A: Were you at home last night? B: [填空].
①  Certainly
②  Certainly I was
③  Sure I was
④  O.K
【单选题】 A: What would you like, sir? B: [填空].
①  Two cups of coffees
②  Two coffees
③  Two cup of coffee
④  Two cups coffee
【单选题】 A: [填空], Mr. John? You dont look very well. B: Ive had a pain in my chest since this morning.
①  How are you
②  Whats your trouble
③  How are you feeling
④  How are you getting on
【单选题】 —Do you mind if Charlie borrows a few hundred dollars from you?—Im afraid I do. Ill be glad to lend money to _____ but Charlie.
①  someone
②  everyone
③  anyone
④  no one
【单选题】 Will you see to _____ that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season?
①  it
②  me
③  /
④  yourself
【单选题】 A: That was a great dinner. [填空] B: Thanks. But it really only took an hour.
①  I have never had it before.
②  You must have spent all day cooking.
③  I enjoyed it very much.
④  Who cooked it?
【单选题】 The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and ______ of the Japanese towards their prisoners, filled _____ with horror.
①  those; someone
②  that; everyone
③  no one
④  this; anyone
【单选题】 Of all the movies Hepbum made ______ is more memorable than “Breakfast at Tiffanys”.
①  few
②  little
③  no one
④  none
【单选题】 A: Its very kind of you to show me the way. B: [填空].
①  Youre welcome
②  It was nothing
③  Not at all
④  Never mind