【判断题】 自燃点与闪点一样都是可燃物质的固有物质。
①  A、正确
②  B、错误
【单选题】 可燃物质的自燃点越高,发生着火爆炸的危险性( )。
①  无规律
②  越大
③  无关
④  越小
【单选题】 在一定条件下,压力越高,可燃物的自燃点( )。
①  A、 愈高
②  B、 愈低
③  C、 不受影响
【单选题】 凡与可燃物质相结合能导致燃烧的物质称为( )。
①  助燃物
②  燃烧产物
③  可燃物
④  氧化物
【判断题】 凡与可燃物质相结合能导致燃烧的物质称为助燃物。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 .可燃物质不需火源的直接作用就能发生自行燃烧的最大温度称为( )。
①  A、着火点
②  B、闪燃
③  C、自燃点
【单选题】 可燃物质的爆炸下限越小,其爆炸危险性越大,是因为( )。
①  可燃物稍有泄漏就有爆炸危险
②  爆炸极限越宽
③  爆炸上限越高
④  少量空气进入容器就有爆炸危险
【判断题】 弹性模量、体积模量、剪切模量和泊松比是材料的固有性质
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在可燃物质(气体、蒸汽、粉尘)可能泄露的区域设( ),是监测空气中易爆物质含量的重要措施。
①  A、报警仪
②  B、监督岗
③  C、巡检人员
【判断题】 可燃物是帮助其他物质燃烧的物质。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables _____the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 A sheet of metal was shaken to _____ the sound of thunder.
①  stimulate
②  simulate
③  reproduce
④  duplicate
【单选题】 Feeling that she was in the right, she took _____at the dirty remark.
①  production
②  offense
③  defense
④  guard
【单选题】 The electric fan does not work because of the _____of service.
①  pause
②  break
③  interruption
④  breakdown
【单选题】 This is a _____ moment for our research. We should be careful.
①  critical
②  belt
③  conscience
④  copper
【单选题】 They have considered their high standard of living a(n) _____for practicing their basic beliefs.
①  award
②  reward
③  result
④  consequences
【单选题】 _____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure beause their motives are misunderstood by others.
①  Bur for
②  Except for
③  Apart from
④  Except that
【单选题】 My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is _____child.
①  one
②  a lone
③  a single
④  an only
【单选题】 Their happiness was very _____.
①  crisp
②  brittle
③  delicate
④  fragile
【单选题】 This house will probably come on the _____next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store