【单选题】 治疗工伤所需医疗费用符合工伤保险诊疗项目目录、工伤保险药品目录、工伤保险住院服务标准的,从()支付。
①  A.工伤保险基金
②  B.医疗保险基金
③  C.养老保险基金
④  D.用人单位
【单选题】 树形目录结构的主文件目录称为( )。
①  父目录
②  根目录
③  子目录
④  用户文件目录
【单选题】 树形目录结构的主文件目录称为()。
①  父目录
②  根目录
③  子目录
④  用户文件目录
【多选题】 总杠杆系数的作用在于( )。
①  用来估计销售额变动对息税前利润的影响
②  用来估计销售额变动对每股收益造成的影响
③  揭示经营杠杆与财务杠杆之间的相互关系
④  用来估计息税前利润变动对每股收益造成的影响
⑤  用来估计销售量对息税前利润造成的影响
【多选题】 总杠杆系数的作用在于( )。
①  用来估计销售额变动对息税前利润的影响
②  用来估计销售额变动对每股收益造成的影响
③  揭示经营杠杆与财务杠杆之间的相互关系
④  用来估计息税前利润变动对每股收益造成的影响
⑤  用来估计销售量对息税前利润造成的影响
【单选题】 不属于辅助目录违规行为监管质量评分的有()
①  病案合规性指数
②  非计划二次入院评分
③  超长住院评分
④  死亡风险评分
⑤  低标入院评分
【单选题】 文件名与()的转化是通过文件目录来实现的。
①  逻辑地址
②  树形目录
③  二级目录
④  非循环图目录
【单选题】 规范医疗机构用药目录不包括()
①  优化本机构用药目录
②  推动各级医疗机构形成以基本药物为主导的“1+X”用药模式
③  优先选择国家集中采购和使用药品及国家医保目录药品
④  加强药品监测,优化用药目录,形成科学合理的用药结构
⑤  生产企业或药品上市许可持有人确定配送企业
【单选题】 在下述文件系统目录结构中,能够用多条路径访问同一文件(或目录)的目录结构是( )。
①  单级目录
②  二级目录
③  纯树形目录
④  非循环图目录
【单选题】 在下述文件系统目录结构中,能够用多条路径访问同一文件(或目录)的目录结构是()。
①  单级目录
②  二级目录
③  纯树形目录
④  非循环图目录
【单选题】 Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ______ in a short period of time.
①  having created
②  creating
③  having been created
④  being created
【单选题】 By the time she is 50 years old, she _____ an inmate of the prison for over half of her life.
①  would be
②  would have been
③  will have been
④  will be
【单选题】 He has been writing the essay the whole morning and he still ___ .
①  has been
②  does
③  has
④  is
【单选题】 Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ______ avoided.
①  is to be
②  can be
③  has been
④  will be
【单选题】 There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone _____ me that evening.
①  to have interrupted
②  would have interrupted
③  to interrupt
④  had interrupted
【单选题】 He didn’t show up at the party yesterday. He ____ in the lab.
①  must have been busy working
②  must be busy wording
③  must be busy to work
④  would have been busy working
【单选题】 Marlin is an independent man who is not about _____ on his parents any more.
①  having relied
②  to rely
③  relying
④  to have relied
【单选题】 It _____ for over a month and the downpour had damaged many houses.
①  has rained cats and dogs
②  has been raining heavily
③  rained heavily
④  had been raining cats and dogs
【单选题】 Between 1897 and 1919, at least 29 motion pictures _____ .
①  have been produced
②  had been produced
③  had produced
④  would have produced
【单选题】 At the age of twenty-three, Emily ______ a businessman of her own choice.
①  had been married
②  had married
③  married
④  was married