神经精神科科问卷 NPI
【单选题】 精神病性激越精神科处置第一步
①  非药物治疗
②  药物治疗
③  音乐治疗
④  肌肉注射
【单选题】 引起老年痴呆的病因只有阿尔兹海默症。
【多选题】 卡巴拉丁可全面改善AD(阿尔兹海默症)患者症状,如()。
①  改善日常生活能力
②  延缓改善精神行为症状
③  延迟认知功能的恶化
【单选题】 阿尔茨海默病占全世界痴呆症的()
①  30%-40%
②  40%-50%
③  50%-60%
④  60%-80%
⑤  80%-90%
【单选题】 阿尔茨海默病是最常见的痴呆类型,其中帕金森痴呆的占比是()
①  50-70%
②  15%-20%
③  5%-10%
④  10%-15%
⑤  3.6%左右
【单选题】 有关阿尔茨海默病(AD)的临床表现以下哪项错误:
①  AD通常起病隐袭,波动性发展
②  由发病至死亡平均约8-10年
③  认知功能减退为主要症状之一
④  可表现多种精神症状
⑤  人格改变往往出现在疾病的早期,近记忆障碍常为首发症状
【单选题】 阿尔兹海默病分几种类型()
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
⑤  6
【单选题】 阿尔茨海默病即通常所说的“老年性痴呆”约占老年期各种痴呆的( )%
①  50
②  55
③  60
④  65
⑤  70
【单选题】 关于糖尿病并发阿尔兹海默病的护理,以下哪项陈述是正确的?
①  忽视药物管理
②  推迟诊断和治疗
③  减少患者的监测频率
④  不鼓励家庭参与
⑤  强调多学科团队合作
【单选题】 下述哪项是中度阿尔茨海默病的症状特点( )
①  出现幻觉
②  时间观念产生混淆
③  在熟悉的地方迷失方向
④  出现忧郁或攻击行为
⑤  明显的记忆减退
【单选题】 If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is.
①  what
②  how
③  however
④  whatever
【单选题】 The great noise produced by the machine will sooner or later do ____ to the workers’ hearing.
①  damage
②  help
③  wrong
④  harm
【单选题】 The seller gave men a thirty percent ____on the shirt. Don’t you think it’s a good bargain?
①  discount
②  treatment
③  decrease
④  favor
【单选题】 It is a waste of time ____with such a silly fellow.
①  trying to reason
②  tried to reason
③  for trying to reason
④  to trying reasoning
【单选题】 We once heard Bill Gates say in an interview that to become truly successful in business, one has to be prepared to ____ risks.
①  get
②  take
③  do
④  have
【单选题】 8. ____ I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved..
①  Had
②  If
③  When
④  Unless
【单选题】 15. If you want to change for a blue shirt, youll have to pay ____ $ 10.
①  another
②  other
③  more
④  each
【单选题】 “If she could sew, she____ herself a shirt.”
①  would have made
②  will make
③  had made
④  made
【单选题】 30. -May I borrow these three magazines? -____. You may keep them for two weeks.
①  Of course not
②  By all means
③  I’m afraid not
④  It’s up to you
【单选题】 —I made the cake by____ . Help yourself, Tom.—Thanks, Jane.
①  ourselves
②  himself
③  myself
④  herself