【单选题】 血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)显著增高见于
①  急性病毒性肝炎
②  慢性病毒性肝炎
③  药物性肝炎
④  急性心肌梗死
⑤  脂肪肝
【单选题】 某男,24岁,因食欲减退、乏力、黄疸进行性加深12天,神志不清1天入院。查体:嗜睡状,皮肤及巩膜明显黄染,皮肤可见瘀斑,扑翼样震颤阳性,肝脾未扪及,血清总胆红素为238μmol/L,丙氨酸氨基转移酶250U/L。临床上应考虑为( )
①  急性重型肝炎
②  亚急性重型肝炎
③  慢性重型肝炎
④  急性黄疸型肝炎
⑤  淤胆型肝炎
【单选题】 总胆汁酸水平升高≥多少诊断重度ICP
①  总胆汁酸水平升高≥5umol/L
②  总胆汁酸水平升高≥10umol/L
③  总胆汁酸水平升高≥20umol/L
④  总胆汁酸水平升高≥40umol/L
⑤  总胆汁酸水平升高≥100umol/L
【多选题】 丙酮酸脱氢酶系包括丙酮酸 脱羧酶、硫辛酸乙酰转移酶三种酶,()辅助因子
①  A、TPP
②  B、硫辛酸
③  C、FAD
④  D、NAD
⑤  E、CoASH
【单选题】 Ca2+浓度升高不能激活的酶是
①  A、细胞色素氧化酶
②  B、ATP酶
③  C、磷脂酶
④  D、蛋白酶
⑤  E、核酶
【单选题】 心肌梗死时一般不升高的酶是()
①  谷草转氨酶
②  碱性磷酸酶
③  乳酸脱氢酶
④  肌酸激酶同工酶
⑤  肌酸肌酶
【单选题】 血浆哪种氨基酸水平升高是冠心病的独立危险因素?
①  芳香族氨基酸
②  同型半胱氨酸
③  亮氨酸
④  苯丙氨酸
【单选题】 单糖或双糖需要消耗酶再被吸收进入血液,使血糖迅速升高。
【单选题】 研究表明,同型半胱氨酸水平,每升高()Ummol/L,脑梗的风险会增加59%
①  每升高4Ummol/L
②  每升高5Ummol/L
③  每升高6Ummol/L
④  每升高7Ummol/L
⑤  每升高8Ummol/L
【单选题】 膳食蛋白质中非必需氨基酸()具有节约苯丙氨酸的作用。
①  A.半胱氨酸
②  B.酪氨酸
③  C.丙氨酸
④  D.丝氨酸
【单选题】 I was worried about chemistry, but Mr Brown gave me an A!
①  Don’t worry about it
②  Congratulations! That’s a difficult course
③  Mr Brown is very good
④  Good luck to you!
【单选题】 __________ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulate@@
①  It being
②  It is
③  There is
④  There being
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 For a successful business, friendly and __________ staff are essential.
①  sufficient
②  effective
③  efficient
④  respective
【单选题】 Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan?
①  Yes, Dr Chock
②  I think so, either
③  Yes, I hope not
④  No, I have no idea
【单选题】 These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.
①  No, no. It’s nothing
②  You are welcome.
③  Yes, I agree
④  Yes, I think so, too
【单选题】 Excuse me. I don’t want to interrupt you but …
①  Can I help you?
②  Certainly, how dare you
③  It’s quite all right
④  Yes, you did
【单选题】 Latin America has an __________ labor force and natural resources.
①  wealthy
②  abundant
③  scattered
④  deposited
【单选题】 Could I use your dictionary for a moment?
①  It’s well
②  It doesn’t matter
③  By all means
④  I have no idea
【单选题】 Can I borrow your camera for a couple of days?
①  Yes, you may borrow
②  Yes, go on
③  Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey
④  It doesn’t matter