降低氧供不正确的是( )
【单选题】 左冠状动脉血流量( )
①  在心室收缩期多,心室舒张期少
②  在心率加快时增加
③  在心肌代谢加强、耗氧量增加时增多
④  在迷走神经兴奋时增多
⑤  由交感舒血管神经纤维控制
【单选题】 动脉血pH降低主要通过
①  刺激中枢化学感受器
②  刺激颈动脉体、主动脉体化学感受器
③  刺激颈动脉窦、主动脉窦化学感受器
④  刺激脑桥呼吸中枢
⑤  直接刺激呼吸肌
【单选题】 正常人动脉血液中血红蛋白的氧饱和度为()
①  1
②  0.97
③  0.87
④  0.77
⑤  0.65
【单选题】 血氧容量正常,动脉血氧分压和氧含量正常,静脉血氧分压与氧含量高于正常见于
①  心力衰竭
②  呼吸衰竭
③  失血性休克
④  氰化钠中毒
⑤  慢性贫血
【单选题】 某患者的血氧检查结果,血氧容量20ml%,动脉血氧含量15ml%,动脉血氧分压6.7 kPa (50mmHg),动静脉氧差4ml%,其缺氧类型为
①  低张性缺氧
②  血液性缺氧
③  循环性缺氧
④  组织性缺氧
⑤  混合性缺氧
【单选题】 冠状动脉介入术后控制血糖,目标是糖化血红蛋白≤( )
①  6%
②  6.5%
③  7%
④  8%
【单选题】 64排CT应用于冠状动脉血管成像超过几年
①  7
②  8
③  9
④  10
⑤  11
【单选题】 动脉血中依靠Hb携带的氧含量约()
①  10ml%
②  20ml%
③  30ml%
④  40ml%
【单选题】 动脉血氧分压是指
①  100ml血液中实际含有O2的毫升数
②  溶解在动脉血液中氧分子所产生的张力
③  血红蛋白和氧结合力的大小
④  血红蛋白氧饱和度为50%时的氧分压
⑤  血液中血红蛋白的氧饱和度
【单选题】 血氧容量正常,PaO2降低,SaO2降低见于
①  A、呼吸衰竭
②  B、心力衰竭
③  C、严重贫血
④  D、DIC
⑤  E、氰化物中毒
【单选题】 服小柴胡汤忌食( )
①  萝卜
③  大黄
④  附子
⑤  红薯
【单选题】 He didnt seem to mind_____the music while he was studying.
①  them listening
②  them to listen to
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 _____he speaks softly is no proof that he is kind.
①  Since
②  As
③  That
④  Because
【单选题】 I will do the clearing if you see_____the lunch.
①  out
②  off
③  to
④  through
【单选题】 _____all the representatives still not there,the meeting was postponed for several hours.
①  Because
②  With
③  By
④  Without
【单选题】 Ive been telling you_____not to do that,but you neve listened to me.Thats why you got into trouble.
①  at times
②  time before time
③  time and again
④  for the time being
【单选题】 It seems as if the sun_____round the earth since it rises in the east and sets in the west.
①  circles
②  is circling
③  has been circling
④  were circling
【单选题】 If he_____the storekeepers scissors,he would have forgotten to buy a pair.
①  would not see
②  had not seen
③  having not seen
④  has not seen
【单选题】 It was not until she had finished all her work_____.
①  did she return
②  that she returned
③  when she returned
④  that did she return
【单选题】 Being extremely_____to the cold,I do not like skating.
①  sensitive
②  senseless
③  insensitive
④  sensible