【单选题】 2021年WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类,新增的胶质瘤分类是:
①  儿童型弥漫性胶质瘤
②  局限性星形细胞瘤
③  室管膜瘤
④  胶质神经元和神经元肿瘤
【单选题】 关于中枢神经系统肿瘤分子分型描述错误的是
①  一些CNS肿瘤组织学表现相同,但生物学行为和预后可有明显差异,这源于分子遗传变异背景不同
②  单纯组织学分型已经不能满足精准医学对CNS肿瘤诊治的要求,对其进行分子分型是必然趋势
③  2016年WHO分类中,按分子遗传学特征相似性原则对CNS肿瘤重新分类,引入分子分型
④  2016修订版变动最大的是胚胎性肿瘤和生殖细胞肿瘤
【单选题】 关于中枢神经系统肿瘤分子分型描述错误的是
①  一些CNS肿瘤组织学表现相同,但生物学行为和预后可有明显差异,这源于分子遗传变异背景不同
②  单纯组织学分型已经不能满足精准医学对CNS肿瘤诊治的要求,对其进行分子分型是必然趋势
③  2016年WHO分类中,按分子遗传学特征相似性原则对CNS肿瘤重新分类,引入分子分型
④  2016修订版变动最大的是胚胎性肿瘤和生殖细胞肿瘤
【单选题】 最新一版WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类是哪一版?
①  2007版
②  2010版
③  2016版
④  2018版
【单选题】 最新一版WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类是哪一版?
①  2007版
②  2010版
③  2016版
④  2018版
【多选题】 中枢神经系统的神经胶质细胞包括( )
①  星形胶质细胞
②  少突胶质细胞
③  小胶质细胞
④  室管膜细胞
⑤  神经膜细胞
【单选题】 中枢神经系统感染的症状包括
①  持续高热
②  头痛
③  进行性意识状态下降
④  心率和呼吸加快
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 22、中枢神经系统包括脑和( )。
①  大脑
②  小脑
③  脑干
④  脊髓
【判断题】 中枢神经系统包括脑和脊髓。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 电子显微镜最高的分辨率为:
①  0.2nm
②  2nm
③  0.2μm
④  10nm
⑤  0.04μm
【单选题】 Up to now we have ( )the goal we set at the very beginning.
①  assured
②  influenced
③  possessed
④  accomplished
【单选题】 She took it as an insult which wasn’t at all what I( ).
①  intend
②  intended
③  has intended
④  had intended
【单选题】 Its ( ) that he has been away from home.
①  evident
②  important
③  genuine
④  alternative
【单选题】 The company has a primary task to ( )its brand name and improve its brand names attractiveness.
①  international
②  internationalization
③  internationalize
④  internationality
【单选题】 With the rapid development of the economy, all ( ) of our life have changed.
①  filed
②  fileds
③  aspect
④  aspects
【单选题】 Nancy was the only woman to()the experiment and was among the few volunteers who died from it.
①  participate in
②  shared in
③  joined in
④  enter into
【单选题】 The policemen( ) many cases by following the footprints left at the scene of crime.
①  investigate
②  investigated
③  has investigated
④  have investigated
【单选题】 His final success ( ) his years of hard work.
①  depends on
②  focuses on
③  concentrates on
④  dwells on
【单选题】 This machine is extremely ( ) because it runs on half-price electricity.
①  economic
②  economical
③  economy
④  economist
【单选题】 More local ( )will be created, particularly in service industries.
①  employee
②  ?employ
③  ?employer
④  ?employment