【单选题】 下列烷烃沸点由高到低顺序正确的是( )。①CH4 ②C3H8 ③C5H12 ④C8H18 ⑤C12H26
①  ⑤③④②①
②  ①②③④⑤
③  ③④⑤②①
④  ⑤④③②①
【单选题】 设物理地址(10FF0H)=10H,(10FF1H)=20H,(10FF2H)=30H,从地址10FF1H中取出一个字的内容是
①  1020H
②  3020H
③  2030H
④  2010H
【判断题】 水泥稳定材料所用水泥初凝时间应大于3h,终凝时间应大于6h且小于10h
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 术后何时可以拔出尿管?
①  2~4h
②  4~12h
③  6~10h
④  6~12h
⑤  12~24h
【单选题】 烷烃C4H10中的C—C键和C—H键数目( )
①  4个,10个
②  3个,10个
③  4个,8个
④  3个,8个
【单选题】 水可形成H2SO4·H2O(s)、H2SO4·2H2O(s)、H2SO4·4H2O(s)三种水合物,问在101325Pa的压力下,能与硫酸水溶液及冰平衡共存的硫酸水合物最多可有多少种?()
①  3种
②  2种
③  1种
④  不可能有硫酸水合物与之平衡共存
【单选题】 螺纹的标注为B12-6H,其中字母B的含义是(  )
①  矩形螺纹
②  普通螺纹
③  锯齿形螺纹
④  梯形螺纹
【单选题】 螺纹的标注为M12-6H,其中字母M的含义是(  )
①  米制螺纹
②  普通螺纹
③  外螺纹
④  特殊螺纹
【判断题】 h6六种,用于定义标题。其中h6定义最大的标题,h1定义最小的标题。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 女性,12岁,脐周疼痛12h伴恶心,呕吐,为胃内容物,量少,2h前扩散为全腹痛,右下腹压痛,反跳痛,结肠充气阳性,白细胞2万多,应考虑
①  右侧输尿管结石
②  急性胆囊炎
③  右侧卵巢囊肿蒂扭转
④  急性胰腺炎
⑤  急性阑尾炎穿孔
【单选题】 A precis should be concise; that is, it should be [] than the original material.
①  complicated
②  clearer
③  simpler
【单选题】 Sam, having forgotten to save his work [] lost all of his revisions when his computer crashed.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 Mr Longman has played the cello for many years [] but he now conducts an orchestra.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【判断题】 The semicolon is used to separate a series of items with internal commas.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 In English, the colon is used after the verb of saying and before a quotation.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A line is never begun with a comma, a period or a semicolon.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Words with hyphens can be divided at random.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It was Monday morning. [] Li Leis grandfather was ill.
①  That
②  When
③  Since
④  /
【单选题】 There was only one thing to do [] study till dawn.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 If a book is in English, [] means a slow progress for you.
①  as
②  which
③  what
④  that