戏曲是中国传统艺术,剧种繁多,表演形式载歌载舞,有说有唱,有文有武,集“( )”于一体,在世界戏剧史上独树一帜。
【判断题】 戏剧是集文化、音乐、舞蹈、美术为一体的综合艺术形式
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中国是世界四大文明古国之一,蕴含着(),在人类文明发展史上独树一帜。
①  中华民族富于伦理情感的生活情趣
②  修齐治平的家国情怀
③  中庸、和谐与大同的社会理想和人格魅力
④  天人合一、道法自然的价值追求
【多选题】 一体化战略方式有
①  纵向一体化
②  相关一体化
③  横向一体化
④  交叉一体化
【单选题】 56.“我有迷魂招不得,雄鸡一唱天下白”是( )的诗句。
①  A.李白
②  B.韩愈
③  C.李贺
【多选题】 一体化增长战略的类型有(  )。
①  前向一体化
②  后向一体化
③  双向一体化
④  水平一体化
⑤  垂直一体化
【多选题】 一体化战略的主要类型有( )。
①  横向一体化
②  纵向一体化
③  前向一体化
④  混合一体化
【单选题】 中华法制文明源远流长、经久相沿,形成了世界法制史上独树一帜的(),积淀了深厚的法律文化。
①  中国法律
②  中华法系
③  中华文明
④  大陆法系
【单选题】 《苏堤渔唱》是哪位作家的散曲集( )
①  马致远
②  张可久
③  乔吉
④  张养浩
【多选题】 中国传统道德规范体系的形成有哪些途径?
①  理论家概括总结
②  统治阶级提倡理论化
③  人民群众自发总结
④  风俗习惯的形式
【多选题】 行当是中国戏曲特有的表演体制,又称作“角色行当”,其主要类型有( )。
【单选题】 --_______ I put my coat here ?-- Sorry, you ________ .
①  mustnt
②  dont
③  neednt
④  cant
【单选题】 My____ brother is five years ____ than I.
①  elder … older
②  elder…old
③  older….old
④  elder…elder
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she _____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 -- Im taking my driving test tomorrow.-- _________ !
①  Cheers
②  Congratulations
③  Come on
④  Good luck
【单选题】 In order to _______ your goals, you must work hard.
①  make
②  achieve
③  require
④  develop
【单选题】 _______ the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
①  In spite of
②  But for
③  Because of
④  As for
【单选题】 By the time he was twelve, Edison____ to make a living by himself.
①  would begin
②  has begun
③  had begun
④  was begun
【单选题】 The popular singer who had been praised very highly____ to be a great disappointment.
①  turned in
②  turned out
③  turned up
④  turned down
【单选题】 Mary realized she ____ .
①  is made fun of
②  was making fun of
③  was being made fun of
④  is being made fun of
【单选题】 We often get _______ when people cut in line.
①  annoying
②  annoyed
③  to annoy
④  annoy