
【单选题】 麻黄汤中桂枝的作用是( )
①  透达营卫,解肌发表,温经散寒
②  调和营卫,通经活络
③  发表散寒,活血通络
④  温化痰饮
【多选题】 麻黄汤与桂枝汤共有的药物是 ( )
①  麻黄
②  桂枝
③  芍药
④  甘草
【多选题】 杏仁:()与桂枝之辛温于方中,皆助麻黄之开
①  A甘
②  B辛
③  C苦
④  D温
【单选题】 桂枝方类,其功在合。麻黄类方,其功在开。麻黄汤与桂枝汤合方者,调()是也
①  A开合
②  B闭塞
③  C伤寒
④  D开性
【单选题】 下列麻黄汤的煎服法中,哪项是错误的()
①  A.先煮麻黄,去上抹
②  B.啜热稀粥一升余,以助药力
③  C.若一服汗出病差,停后服
④  D.温覆取微汗
【单选题】 麻黄的采收期为
①  春季
②  秋季
③  冬季
④  夏季
【判断题】 麻黄与桂枝功效共同点皆能发汗解表,解鱼蟹毒
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 麻黄利尿作用最强的成分是( )
①  麻黄碱
②  D-伪麻黄碱
③  甲基麻黄碱
④  麻黄次碱
⑤  去甲基麻黄碱
【单选题】 麻黄碱属于( )。
①  散瞳药
②  抗细菌感染药
③  减鼻充血药
④  消毒防腐药
⑤  滴耳剂
【单选题】 麻黄的炮制方法是( )。
①  油炙
②  盐炙
③  煅制
④  蜜炙
⑤  醋炙
【单选题】 Hs only 17 and ( ) not eligible to vote.
①  however
②  therefore
③  so
④  though
【简答题】 将句子翻译成英文:他们没有想到新买的电视机会有什么问题。(envision)
【单选题】 I am allowed no more than 400 words in which to ( ) his experience in the forest.
①  conclude
②  deduce
③  generalize
④  summarize
【单选题】 When we visited Rome, we went on a ( ) of all the historic sites.
①  technician
②  attorney
③  balcony
④  tour
【单选题】 I ( ) to take the opposite point of view. You may disagree if you wish.
①  attract
②  include
③  decline
④  incline
【单选题】 I think I ( ) something the first time around.
①  must have missed
②  must miss
③  would miss
④  should have missed
【单选题】 The girl was staring ( ) at her computer screen.
①  blankly
②  suitably
③  eventually
④  collectively
【单选题】 I can always ( ) her from far away by the way she walks.
①  recognize
②  realize
③  authorize
④  socialize
【单选题】 There is a number here to call ( ) an emergency.
①  only to
②  in case of
③  in return for
④  in addition to
【单选题】 I couldn’t ( ) more with your excellent taste of music.
①  refuse
②  accept
③  replace
④  agree