【多选题】 Premiere Pro中,下面的哪些特效可以对画面的颜色进行修整( )
①  Bend弯曲
②  Color Correct颜色矫正
③  Color Balance(HLS)颜色平衡
④  Color Balance(RGB)颜色平衡
【判断题】 电视制作中,通常使用音乐来弥补画面的不足,强化画面的秩序,以及拓展画面的内涵
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 匀称是舞台画面处理的美学观念之一,也是我国传统的处理舞台画面的主要方法
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Flash的时间轴是用什么记录画面的?
①  图层
③  场景
④  元件
【单选题】 在AE中,新建合成时设定了合成影像的视频画面宽度和高度之后,就不能再改变视频画面的宽度和高度了( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 沿垂直或水平方向进行过渡的渐变称为[填空1]。
【简答题】 Flash动画由记录每个独立画面的[填空1]组成。
【判断题】 声画合一,指文字与画面若即若离,各自独立发展,但又彼此照应,最能突出文字与画面的双主体特征。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Premiere Pro中,一般在对画面进行抠像后,为了调整前后景的画面色彩协调,需要做()
①  Color Correct颜色矫正
②  Color Replace颜色替换
③  Color Pass颜色传递
④  Color Match颜色匹配
【判断题】 镜头的长短决定着画面的性质,画面的涵义往往会随着时间的变化而变化。决定镜头长度的因素有:镜头的内容长度、镜头的情绪长度、镜头的诗意。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ______ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.
①  Even if
②  As far as
③  If only
④  So long as
【单选题】 Therewasateapotfashionedlikeachinaduck,outof______openmouththeteawassupposedtocome.
①  which
②  its
③  that
④  whose
【单选题】 ______receivingfinancialsupportfromfamily,communityorthegovernmentisallowed,itisneveradmired.
①  As
②  Once
③  Although
④  Lest
【单选题】 _______ difficulties we may come across, well help one another to overcome them.
①  Wherever
②  Whatever
③  However
④  Whenever
【单选题】 Governmentreports,examinationcompositions,legaldocumentsandmostbusinesslettersarethemainsituations_______formallanguageisused.
①  in which
②  on which
③  in that
④  at what
【单选题】 Althoughheknewlittleaboutthelargeamountofworkdoneinthefield,hesucceeded_______othermorewell-informedexperimentersfailed.
①  which
②  that
③  what
④  where
【单选题】 We hadnt met for 20 years, but I recognized her ______I saw her.
①  for the moment
②  the moment when
③  at the moment when
④  the moment
【单选题】 Catching crabs in the bay is profitable, but______for bass in the river is more relaxing.
①  go to fish
②  go to fishing
③  fishing
④  to do fishing
【单选题】 Thefruitdelivereddirectlyfromtheorchardwas______alsodelicious.
①  not only ripe and
②  not only ripe but
③  only ripe
④  as ripe as but
【单选题】 Wehavedonethingsweoughtnottohavedoneand_______undonethingsweoughttohavedone.
①  leaving
②  left
③  will leave
④  leave