A: ________________?B: Im here for my cousins wedding.

Whats the way of your visit?
Whats the plan of your visit?
Whats the purpose of your visit?
Where will you live?
14. It is ____ pity that you cannot come to the wedding.

such a
such as
many a
A: Richard, class begins at 9, and you are late. B: I know, but I missed my bus, Im sorry. B: [填空]. You have to be here on time.

Thats no excuse
Dont mention it
You neednt be
No problem
A: Im keen on researching my family history. B: [填空]

I do too.
Neither do I.
Arent you?
So am I.
A: Do you mind my smoking here? B: Yes. Better not

A: Hi. My name is David Manning. Im from Britain. B: Im Bill Clinton. Glad to meet you. What year are you? A: [填空].

Im a first-year student
I was born in 1990
Ive been here for years
Im 19 years old
A: May I put my books here? B: Yes, put them please.

A: My camera isnt working properly. B: Here, let me see it.

A: Can you keep an eye on my bag? B: [填空] A: No. Im going to the bathroom.

Sure. What is it?
Sure. Will you be long?
Oh. Do you want a favor?
Go ahead. No problem.
A: Why didnt you come to my party last night? B: Im sorry, [填空]. I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital.

I did it
I still remember it
I will come
I couldnt make it