Americans may eat this big breakfast at weekends or on special occasions but prefer a smaller, healthier meal to start a normal day.

I am so tired that I spend one day _______.

to sleep
By nine o’clock I ____ that my guests were not coming.?

recognized ?
realized ?
understood ?
Don’t _______ our hopes. As long as we pull together, we’ll make it.

give up
give out
give back
give away
—Look, someone is coming. Guess who it ___ be?—I think it ___ be Tom.—I don’t think it ___ be ___.

?must; can; must; his
?may; can; must; him
?can; must; can; him
?might; must; can; himself
how long can I stay in the mountain ? ( ) you like.

As far as
As well as
As soon as
As long as
A: Sorry, I couldnt come to the party? I was sick that day. B: [填空].

I dont know that
Yes, well have another party
Thats all right
No, the party wasnt held
6. –Look, someone is coming. Guess who it _____ be?–I think it _____ be Tom.–I don’tthink it _____ be _____.

must; can; must; his
may; can; must; him
must; can; him
might; must; can; himself
Look,someone is coming. Guess who it_________be?I think it______be Tom.I dont think it______be_______.

A: How long can I keep the book? B: [填空].

Any period longer than four weeks, you will be fined
Four weeks, but you can renew it if you need it longer
You can check it on the computer over there
At most four weeks if you dont mind