May I see the menu, please?

That is the menu, sir
Yes, please go on
Here you are, sir
Of course, sir
Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?

Sorry, he is busy at the moment
No, you can’t
Sorry, you can’t
I don’t know
-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-______________

Sorry, you can’t.
No, you cant.
Sorry,he is busy at the moment.
I dont think so.
A: [填空], may I help you? B: Id like to book a single room, please.

Holiday Hotel
Im Franco Rossi
A: May I know whos calling? B: Yes, you can. Im Xiaoyan.

Hello, may I talk to the manager about the price?

Sorry, he is out at the moment
No, you can’t
Sorry, you can’t
I don’t know
A: May I know who’s calling? B: Yes, you can. Im Xiaoyan.

May I use your bike for a moment?___________

It’s well.
It doesn’t matter.
By all means.
I have no idea.
30. I prefer __________ to ___________.

to drive; be driven
to drive; rather than being driven
driving; being driven
being driven; drive
May I see your tickets and passports, please?

No, you can’t
Yes, you can
here they are
No, they are mine