Why dont you travel to New York on vacation?

I dont want to go
Excuse me, because I can’t
I want to, but I haven’t got enough money
Because I’m going to school today
You________return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

may not
The bosses give them low wages, because it is expected that you will ( ). If you dont, the service person can’t earn a living.

make up the different
make up the difference
make out the difference
make out the different
I am not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can’t make a(n) ____ tohelp you.

If you dont go to the theatre tomorrow afternoon,______.

nor will I
I neither will
either I will
I will either
Dont forget ______ some money with you.

to bring
12.You _____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

may not
Excuse me. I dont want to interrupt you but …

Can I help you?
Certainly, how dare you
It’s quite all right
Yes, you did
Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now?____________

I hate the weather here.
My hair is getting a bit longer.
I am working part time in a bookshop, you know.
Yeah, thanks for coming.
Dont _______ our hopes. As long as we pull together, we’ll make it.

give up
give out
give back
give away