A: Hi. My name is David Manning. Im from Britain. B: Im Bill Clinton. Glad to meet you. What year are you? A: [填空].

Im a first-year student
I was born in 1990
Ive been here for years
Im 19 years old
A: Im sorry. Those shoes are not available in your size. B: [填空].

No use saying sorry. Thats a real let down
Im truly grateful for your help
Its just as Ive expected
Thats a pity. Thank you anyway
A: Would you like me to feed your cats while youre on your holiday? B: [填空].

I appreciate it, but Ive already fed them
No problem, I was more than glad to do it
Thanks for offering your help, but my sisters going to do it
Certainly, feeding cats is my favorite pastime