I was to have a trip abroad if _____.

I had not been fired
I was not fired
my boss won’t have fired me
I were not fired
These candidates have vague notions of serving the company, [] they have never taken trouble to find out the actual tasks they will be required to do.

A: Good afternoon, madam.___________ ?B: I hope so. Id like to have a pair of shoes to match my new red dress.

Can I help you
May I help you
Is there anything that I can do for you
How are you
12.You can’t imagine what great trouble they have ____the problem____.

to solve; being talked about
solving; discussing
to solve; to talk about
solving; being discussed
I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble.

once offering
him once offering
him to offer
to offer him
A: I have lunch in the restaurant. B: So have I

A: Richard, class begins at 9, and you are late. B: I know, but I missed my bus, Im sorry. B: [填空]. You have to be here on time.

Thats no excuse
Dont mention it
You neednt be
No problem
I _____ online games when my father came back.A. played B. am playing C. have played D. was playing

am playing
have played
was playing
I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother.

A. 我感到有人走近,于是伸出了手,以为是把手伸向母亲。
B. 我感到有人走近,我就伸出了手,因为我在等我的母亲。
C. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她把手伸向我。
D. 我感到有人向我走来,我想那是我母亲,她伸手搂抱我。
I fell and broke my leg when I_______riding my bike.
