Alice: Natalie must have left since your plane arrived so late.Sam: To my surprise, I found her waiting for me at the airport.Alice: ___________

What a pity.
How kind.
Good for her.
No kidding.
Alice: Natalie must have left since your plane arrived so late. Sam: To my surprise, I found her waiting for me at the airport. Alice: ___________

What a pity.
How kind.
Good for her.
No kidding.
Her expression was ( ) and reminiscent.

The woman murdered her friend and ______ to ______.

was sentenced , death
sentencing , die
sentenced , death
sentenced , die
I was satisfied with her explanation, ______.

so my classmates were
so were my classmates
so my classmates did
so did my classmates
_____________ forget her smile.

Never shall I
Never I shall
I never shall
I shall never
He was _____her in intelligence.

Our civilization cannot be thought of as _____in a short period of time.

to have been created
to be created
having been created
being created
The rescue team must have searched for the missing visitors two days ago, _____?

mustn’ t they
haven’ t they
didn’ t they
hadn’ t they
Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____ in a short period of time.

to have been created
to be created
having been created
being created