___________ , in order to make more profit, storekeepers try to supply not only enough goods but also different services for their customers.
Chinese herbal medicine has been used for centuries to cure disease and alleviate discomfort due to many different disorders.
Our Chinese tradition is quite different _____ we only want to defend our own country, not to invade other countries.
The English is GREAT campaign is intended to recognize outstanding individuals ______,every day and in many different ways,share their passion for the English language.
Its the second time that I __________ in Shanghai ! What great changes have taken place in Shang Hai. It is ten years since I __________ it last time.
It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
Hongkong is a famous shopping paradise. There are many jewelry shops and antique shops. Many things made in Asia and Europe can also be found there. ( )Chinese tea and books in different languages.