Mr Guo told us at the beginning of this term that he _________ born on July 24, 1973.

has been
had been
Now Mike isn’t here. He ________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he ________ back in a few minutes.

went to ; is coming
has gone to ; will come
has been to ; will be
is going to ; has come
Now Mike isn’t here. He _______ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______back in a few minutes.

went to ; is coming
has gone to ; will come
has been to ; will be
is going to ; has come
A: Sorry, Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago. B: May I take a message?

A: Robbie, well go fishing soon, and well take your dad with us. B: Im ready, Grandpa. [填空].

Enjoy yourselves
You name the day
You cant miss it
Take your time
22. One day while Mr. King was working, he had a/an ____: his left leg was badly injured.

A: Can I take a message? Ill let Mr. Liu know as soon as he comes back. B: [填空].

I hope he will call me back
No. Ill call somebody else
Dont bother. Ill try his cell
I dont think its appropriate
10.Now Mike isn’t here. He _________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______ back in a few minutes.

went to; is coming
has gone to; will come
has been to ; will be
is going to; has come
Put up the passbook and the card properly. ______us as soon as possible if you lose them.

A: [填空], Mr. John? You dont look very well. B: Ive had a pain in my chest since this morning.

How are you
Whats your trouble
How are you feeling
How are you getting on