—Do you prefer coffee ___ milk? — I prefer milk ___ coffee. It is good for our health.

?to; to
?or; or
?or; to
?to; and
20._____your poor record at school, we think you should study more.

In view of
For view of
From view of
Within view of
A: Thanks to John, weve lost our most important client. B: Ive told you hes not proper for the position. A: [填空].

I should have listened to you
I dont really agree with you
It doesnt matter. I trust him
Thank you for being so helpful
It is getting dark. Our teacher __ .

let us to go home
let us go home
let us go to home
let we go home
When you ask sb. to open the window, if you are a lady its polite to say Open the window, will you? if you are a man you should say Lets open the window, shall we?

They are not only teachers __________ our friends

but for
but also
They _____ our house at $10.000.

A: Hello, Jane, do you still remember you said youd like to see Yao Ming? B: [填空] A: He is here at our university now.

Yes, why?
Yes, so what?
No, I dont.
No, I dont like him.
When we speak to people, we should be ______.

as polite as possible
as polite as possibly
as politely as possible
as politely as possibly
19. -Do you remember our pleasant journey to Xi’an? -Of course. I remember everything ______ it happened yesterday.

as soon as
even though
rather than
as if