既能平息内风,又能祛除外风的药物为( )
自我提高内驱力和附属内驱力属于( )。
用立铣刀加工内轮廓时,铣刀半径应( )工件内轮廓最小曲率半径。
Susan doesnt ( )?her opinions?with examples.
She is filled with ( )for her own college days.
They can ( )the odds of success.
There is no longer any ( ) attached to being divorced.
Its a question of some abstract ( )of justice.
She works in sales and ( ).
The deaf people always have the feeling of ( ).
Mack was a lonely( ) child.
Tom’s voice is filled with/ is full of ( ).
Id like?to?think?I?can?do?some?work?that?will?( )?international?cooperation?andunderstanding.