【单选题】 药材横切面上具有同心性异型维管束的药材是
①  人参
②  白芍
③  太子参
④  当归
⑤  商陆
【单选题】 具有偏心性髓部的茎木类药材是
①  大血藤
②  钩藤
③  鸡血藤
④  木通
【单选题】 下列哪个药材不属于茎木类中药
①  大血藤
②  鸡血藤
③  沉香
④  杜仲
【判断题】 单子叶植物茎的维管束多属于有限外韧维管束。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 单子叶植物茎的维管束排列方式为( )。
①  环状排列
②  散生
③  放射状
④  聚集在中央
【单选题】 单子叶植物茎的维管束排列方式为( )。
①  环状排列
②  散生
③  放射状
④  聚集在中央
【单选题】 关木通和川木通为
①  同科不同属植物
②  不同科植物
③  同种植物
【单选题】 川木通来源于哪一科植物
①  木通科
②  马兜铃科
③  毛莨科
④  豆科
【单选题】 维管束进入胚囊的通道称(         )
①  珠心
②  珠孔
③  合点
④  主脉
【单选题】 非异常维管束所形成的性状特征是
①  车轮纹
②  罗盘纹
③  云锦花纹
④  星点
【单选题】 Hitler was wrong and we should ______ to help Russia.
①  go out all@go all out
②  make out all
③  make all out
【单选题】 This is no time to moralize ______ the follies of countries which have allowed themselves to be struck down one by one.
①  to
②  on
③  by
④  in
【单选题】 Hitler was however wrong and we should ______ to help Russia.
①  make all out
②  make out all
③  go all out
④  go out all
【单选题】 In June 1941 Hitler suddenly ______ an attack on Russia.
①  launched
②  exerted
③  developed
④  created
【单选题】 He said that everyone should turn their backs _____ a craving for fame and prestige.
①  for
②  down
③  up
④  on
【单选题】 The subjugation of the western Hemisphere______ his will…
①  to
②  in
③  according to
④  against
【单选题】 We shall ______ all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it.
①  appeal to
②  appeal for
③  appeal with
④  appeal of
【单选题】 He gambled ______ being able to buy a ticket at the last minute.
①  about
②  on
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 The big shot ______ several government officials in the past years.
①  buy out
②  buy up
③  buy off
④  buy down
【单选题】 Please ______ you cigar before entering this building.
①  put down
②  put up
③  put off
④  put out