Like a simile, a metaphor is also widely used as a figurative technique in expressions and it also needs the support of the words like, as, as if.

【单选题】 They would also like to _____ the atomic museum.
①  demolish
②  destroy
③  ruin
④  smash
【判断题】 A simile is used in the sentence “He is like a lion when he gets angry.”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Like Christmas,Chinese Spring Festival is also a festival for family___________.
①  reunion
②  event
③  surprise
④  meeting
【判断题】 Credit cards are be used in most countries, but you may also need to bring some cash.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 __________ that silver is not widely used as a conductor?
①  Why is
②  Is it why
③  Why is it
④  Why is that
【单选题】 Not only the society but also the people in it ______.
①  has changed
②  have changed
③  have been changed
④  has been changed
【单选题】 The[填空] for this is that this plane is also a bicycle.
①  reason
②  because
③  why
④  so
【单选题】 Computers can also help the police fight ______________ .
①  care
②  count
③  cash
④  crime
【单选题】 It may also () morale and mutual trust.
①  undermine
②  unique
③  under
④  use
【单选题】 The day is also known _________ the Moon Festival.
①  as
②  for
③  with
④  in
【单选题】 咨询会谈结构的主要部分和顺序是
①  开始阶段——主体阶段——结束阶段
②  自我介绍——问答咨询——总结预约
③  简短交谈——深入展开——按时收尾
④  咨询设置——一起工作——支持鼓励
⑤  知情同意——开展咨询——总结指导
【单选题】 “每个人具备所有的必备资源来应对可能面临的任何问题”,资源取向可以激活的资源有
①  身体资源
②  审美资源
③  虚构资源
④  互动资源
⑤  以上全是
【单选题】 积极倾听与消极倾听的区别在于积极倾听
①  敏感地倾听
②  判断先于倾听
③  只听到自己想听的部分
④  用自己的故事去解读
⑤  没有耐心
【单选题】 各类标书申报时间节点正确的是
①  厅局级课题:每年7-8月份
②  省级课题:每年5-6月份
③  国基金:每年3月份
④  以上均是
【单选题】 文献一般选择1年、3年、5年内大杂志、大综述
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在课题项目的可行性报告中是不需要经费概算的
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 开展准备撰写标书:思路准备至少提前一年
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 开展准备撰写标书:选题准备至少提前一年
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 医疗告知选择对象患者近亲属错误的是
①  保护性医疗时
②  紧急情况
③  未成年
④  精神病
【单选题】 医患沟通的意义是有效预防医疗投诉和纠纷
①  正确
②  错误