Comrade Li Dazhao,___ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.
some times
some time
【单选题】 Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded?
①  which
②  that
③  when
④  on which
【单选题】 I want to buy some ( )something typical Chinese at scenic spots.
①  goods
②  souvenirs
③  articles
④  items
【单选题】 But the Internet can bring some ________ effects, too. The most common one, some teenagers are addicted to computer games on the Internet.
①  negative
②  positive
③  important
④  excite
【单选题】 In a room above the store, where a party __________,some workers were busily setting the table.
①  was to be held
②  has been held
③  will be held
④  is being held
【单选题】 An experiment suggests that flowers have some____________ ways of keeping time.
①  modern
②  mysterious
③  military
④  mixed
【单选题】 Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure ____.
①  than more on efficiency
②  and more on efficiency
③  and more efficiency
④  than efficiency
【单选题】 Some scientists____________ that flowers open at particular times because their internal clocks tell them to do so.
①  receive
②  make
③  believe
④  talk
【单选题】 Her wish was that he __________ at Beijing University at once.
①  studies
②  studied
③  study
④  will study
【单选题】 13. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in the fight again SARS, so we only had time for a few words.
①  justleft
②  hasjustleft
③  isjustleaving
④  wasjustleaving
【单选题】 As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.
①  access
②  commitment
③  opportunity
④  reward
【单选题】 显示器.网上出版和幻灯片放映都是采用()来显示各种颜色
②  LAB
③  RGB
④  索引
【单选题】 CorelDRAW可以生成的图像类型是( )
①  位图
②  矢量图
③  位图和矢量图
④  以上均错
【单选题】 用“手绘”工具绘制直线时需按住()键
②  ALT
【单选题】 “六艺”(礼、乐、射、御、书、数)被认为是古代读书人需要掌握的六种基本技能,其最早见于的( )记载。
①  《尚书》
②  《诗经》
③  《周礼》
④  《周易》
【单选题】 老子的道家思想由( )继承。
①  墨子
②  孟子
③  庄子
④  韩非子
【单选题】 ( )时期,官学衰落,私学兴盛。
①  西周
②  夏商
③  春秋战国
④  汉代
【单选题】 在网页中不能添加的元素是(? )。
①  文字、图像
②  表格、动画
③  声音视频
④  纸张等实物
【单选题】 设置[文本]属性可以通过(??)来设置。
①  [属性]面板
②  [控制]面板
③  [启动]面板
④  [文本]面板
【单选题】 下列(???)方法无法添加网页标题。
①  在HTML代码中添加网页标题
②  在文档窗口中添加网页标题
③  在网页属性中添加网页标题
④  在文档工具栏中添加网页标题
【单选题】 下面哪个功能不是开始页能够完成的操作(??)。
①  创建新网页
②  创建新网站
③  打开网页文档
④  删除网页文档