The prisoners (囚犯) have_____________ .
run out of
kept away
run away

【判断题】 The contract had run away before Mr. Cook was able to find a new job.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The blizzard continued for a week [] subsequently, they began to run out of food.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 The old couple, whose kids have all passed away, have to ( ) only with their small pensions.
①  get at
②  get to
③  get by
④  get through
【单选题】 How can you keep the machine ()when you are away?
①  run
②  to run
③  running
④  being run
【单选题】 24. They are teachers and dont realize ______ to start and run a company.
①  what it takes
②  what takes it
③  what they take
④  what takes them
【单选题】 The board deemed it’s urgent that these files ____ right away.
①  had to be printed
②  should have been printed
③  must be printed
④  should be printed
【单选题】 The soldier was _____ of running away when the enemy attacked.
①  scolded
②  charged
③  accused
④  punished
【单选题】 She ________ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 She ___ the door before she goes away.
①  had locked
②  is locking
③  has locked
④  was locking
【单选题】 All medicines should be kept out of____ of children.
①  touch
②  reach
③  get
④  attain
【单选题】 牙尖偏向远中的是()
①  上颌尖牙
②  下颌尖牙
③  上颌乳尖牙
④  下颌乳尖牙
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 牙合面可有五个牙尖的牙齿是()
①  上颌第一磨牙
②  上颌第二磨牙
③  上颌第三磨牙
④  下颌第一磨牙
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 根尖分歧多见于()
①  上切牙
②  尖牙
③  下切牙
④  磨牙
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 根管系统不包括()
①  根管
②  管间吻合
③  根管侧支
④  根尖分歧
⑤  髓腔
【单选题】 关于根管侧支不正确的说法是()
①  发自根管的细小分支
②  常与根管呈接近垂直角度
③  贯穿牙本质和牙骨质
④  通向牙周膜
⑤  根中1/3较多
【单选题】 不属纯单管型的牙根有()
①  上颌中切牙
②  上颌侧切牙
③  上颌尖牙
④  上颌第一磨牙的舌根
⑤  上颌第二磨牙的舌根和远颊根
【单选题】 副根管多见于()
①  切牙
②  尖牙
③  前磨牙
④  磨牙
⑤  多生牙
【单选题】 上下颌磨牙的主要区别不正确的是()
①  上颌磨牙牙冠牙合面呈斜方形;下颌磨牙牙冠牙合面呈长方形
②  上颌磨牙牙冠近远中径大于颊舌径;下颌磨牙牙冠颊舌径大于近远中径
③  上颌磨牙牙冠较直;下颌磨牙牙冠倾向舌侧
④  上颌磨牙的颊尖锐而舌尖钝;下颌磨牙的舌尖锐而颊尖钝
⑤  上颌磨牙多为三根;下颌磨牙多为双根
【单选题】 以副孔与牙周组织相通的是()
①  根管
②  副根管
③  根管侧支
④  管间吻合
⑤  根尖分歧
【单选题】 以侧孔与牙周组织相通的不包括()
①  根管
②  管间吻合
③  根管侧支
④  根尖分歧
⑤  以上都不是