The last time we had great fun was [] we were visiting the Water Park.
【单选题】 Only when we landed______ how badly the plane had been damaged.
①  we realized
②  did we realize
③  had we realized
④  we had realized
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park _______ we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park [填空] we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【判断题】 新闻六要素包括:what who when where why how。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 23.____time we had at the dinner party !
①  Howwonderful
②  Whatawonderfultime
③  Howawonderfultime
④  Whatwonderfultime
【单选题】 — Did you visit the museum last week?—No, we________, but we spent too much time shopping.
①  could have
②  could
③  must have
④  must
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【判断题】 A: Where to? Im so thirsty. B: Why dont we enjoy some beer at that bar?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____ of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
①  output
②  surplus
③  production
④  plenty
【单选题】 Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a _____of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
①  output
②  surplus
③  production
④  plenty
【多选题】 虎变为濒危动物是因为()。
①  A.生境变化
②  B.虎在生物学退化了
③  C.气候变化
④  D.现代人类对其的影响
【多选题】 煤的焦化得到的是()。
①  A.合成气
②  B.焦油
③  C.煤气
④  D.焦炭
【多选题】 下列属于清洁能源的是()。
①  A.水力
②  B.电力
③  C.核能
④  D.太阳能
【多选题】 下列说法中正确的是()。
①  A.核能是一种一次能源
②  B.地热能是一种新能源
③  C.石油是一种常规能源
④  D.电能是一种可再生能源
【多选题】 加强生态文明制度建设,把()纳入经济社会发展评价体系。
①  A环境污染
②  B资源消耗
③  C环境损害
④  D生态效益
【多选题】 环境问题产生的制度性原因包括( )。
①  A违法成本低
②  B用人导向
③  C资源低价
④  D守法成本高
【多选题】 狭义的生态文明制度是指()
①  A环境保护立法、执法
②  B优化国土空间开发格局
③  C促进资源节约
④  D扩大自然生态系统
【多选题】 生态文明建设的总体思路是()
①  A加快经济发展的速度
②  B加快经济发展方式转型升级
③  C全面提升民众生态文明建设
④  D以健全的制度为根本保障
【多选题】 窑洞一般修建在朝南的山坡上,它有什么特点()
①  A背山
②  B向阳
③  C温暖舒适
④  D阴冷潮湿
【多选题】 从器物层面理解生态文明,它包括( )。
①  A生态化的产品
②  B生态化的生活方式
③  C可持续发展的政策法律体制
④  D生态化的生产方式