He enjoys?playing?football.
【判断题】 He is good?at?playing?football.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Tom is in favor of going to the movies; Jack insists on playing football.
①  while
②  meanwhile
③  when
④  at the same time
【单选题】 — David injured his leg playing football yesterday.— Really? ______?
①  Who did that
②  Whats wrong with him
③  How did that happen
④  Why was that
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to _____the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 A: David injured his leg playing football yesterday. B: Really? [填空]
①  Who did that?
②  hats wrong with him
③  How did that happen
④  Why was he so careless?
【单选题】 18. Some students like to play_____ piano, while others like to play _____ football.
①  the, /
②  /, the
③  the, the
④  . the, a
【单选题】 Of swimming and football he much preferred _____.
①  later
②  the later
③  former
④  the former
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[privilege; component; stagnant; entangle; superficial; arresting; expound; penetrating; indulge; click]6. He returned to Ohio so that he could[填空1]his passion for football.
【单选题】 As a ( ) student, he enjoys many conveniences and resources which are only wild wishes for other average ones.
①  tip
②  tap
③  top
④  pat
【单选题】 心理测验工作应遵循的原则是()
①  真诚、中立、回避
②  自信、自立、自省
③  信度、效度、常模
④  客观、保密、标准化
⑤  自主、学习、实效
【单选题】 心理评估常用的方法不包括()
①  会谈法
②  调查法
③  实验法
④  作品分析法
⑤  心理测试法
【单选题】 智商IQ的结论“高于平常”,是指其分数为()
①  70~90
②  80~89
③  90~109
④  110~119
⑤  100~109
【单选题】 用十六种人格因素测量表测验某人的人格特征,这一方法是根据()
①  弗洛伊德人格论
②  卡特尔人格理论
③  爱森克人格理论
④  斯金纳的人格理论
⑤  罗杰斯的人格理论
【单选题】 IQ=15(X-M)/S+100称为()
①  比率智商
②  离差智商
③  百分位智商
④  中位数智商
⑤  人格智商
【单选题】 某咨询师在超市遇见一位他的患者也正与其熟人购物,这位咨询师故意未理睬他的患者,因为他遵循的治疗原则是()
①  真诚原则
②  保密原则
③  中立原则
④  回避原则
⑤  灵活原则
【单选题】 某生参加高考前产生严重焦虑,来进行心理咨询,咨询师只是认真的倾听,不做指令性指导,这种心理疗法的理论属于()
①  精神分析理论
②  认知理论
③  人本主义理论
④  心理生理理论
⑤  行为理论
【单选题】 脱敏治疗的最佳适应证()
①  精神分裂症
②  恐怖症
③  狂躁症
④  精神衰弱
⑤  强迫症
【单选题】 下列方法中,属于精神分析治疗常用的是()
①  系统脱敏
②  厌恶治疗
③  患者中心
④  催眠治疗
⑤  自由联想
【单选题】 医生的临床知识和技能×病人的依从性,等于()
①  治疗效果
②  技术交往
③  非技术交往
④  语言交往
⑤  非语言交往