She asked me ?[填空]he was coming the next day.
【单选题】 She asked me when I ?[填空] leave.
①  will
②  is going to
③  would
④  should
【单选题】 27.He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.
①  on occasion
②  on purpose
③  on condition
④  only if
【单选题】 ( ) badly she had slept she was always up early the next day.
①  No matter what
②  Whether
③  No matter how
④  How
【单选题】 He asked me ___________ Zhang Hua came to school or not.
①  whether
②  if
③  .what
【单选题】 “My passport is about to ( ) . Will you get it renewed for me?” she asked me recently.
①  expire
②  end
③  close
④  begin
【单选题】 She was wondering whether he has been writing anything new ____
①  late
②  later
③  latter
④  lately
【单选题】 He sent me ( ) flowers on Valentimes Day
①  a lot of
②  a bunch of
③  a pair of
④  a pile of
【单选题】 That day he ___________ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he_______his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 学前儿童行为表现正常指的是学前儿童即不过分兴奋,又不过分迟钝,面对新的环境能够做出恰当的( )。
①  回应
②  表现
③  应对
④  反应
【单选题】 学前儿童心理健康教育活动实施的基本途径有环境创设 、专门性的心理健康教育活动、日常生活与教学中渗透心理健康教育和( )。
①  活动区中渗透心理健康教育
②  家园共育
③  幼儿园与社区合作
④  家庭教育中渗透心理健康教育
【单选题】 入选财富500强的跨国企业的平均寿命长达( )
①  60~70年
②  40~50年
③  30~40年
④  50~60年
【单选题】 营造事件,炒作就成功了一半。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 广告招商的优点在于发布快捷,信息传播范围广,排他性较强;缺点在于受招商项目本身的局限,定向性难以把握,广告投入容易失效。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 CNC装置的软件不包括( )
①  编程软件
②  控制软件
③  管理软件
【单选题】 没有强力的传播拉动就没有目标品牌的持续成长。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 位置精度是一个极为重要的指标。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在传统机床上,操作者可以通过改变切削用量和改变刀具几何角度来消除或减少振动。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 合理地设计数控机床的结构,改善受力情况,以便减少受力变形。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误