1791年,法国大革命的妇女领袖奥兰普·德古热发表《女权与女公民权宣言》,亦称《女权宣言》,( ) 运动就已经拉开序幕。

【单选题】 “旧唯物主义是半截子的唯物主义”,这是指()
①  旧唯物主义是形而上学的唯物主义
②  旧唯物主义在社会历史观上是唯心主义
③  旧唯物主义是机械唯物主义
④  旧唯物主义是割裂了运动与静止的辩证法
【单选题】 “旧唯物主义是半截子的唯物主义”,这是指()
①  旧唯物主义是形而上学的唯物主义
②  旧唯物主义在社会历史观上是唯心主义
③  旧唯物主义是机械唯物主义
④  旧唯物主义是割裂了运动与静止的辩证法
【单选题】 6.“旧唯物主义是半截子的唯物主义”,这是指()
①  旧唯物主义是形而上学的唯物主义
②  旧唯物主义在社会历史观上是唯心主义
③  旧唯物主义是机械唯物主义
④  旧唯物主义是割裂了运动与静止的辩证法
【判断题】 马克思主义以前的旧唯物主义都是半截子唯物主义。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列选项中属于唯物主义基本形态的有
①  朴素唯物主久
②  庸俗唯物主义
③  形而上学唯物主义
④  辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义
【单选题】 划分唯物主义和唯心主义的标准是(   )
①  对世界是否具有统一性问题的不同回答
②  对物质和意识哪个是第一性问题的不同回答
③  对世界万物是否运动发展问题的不同回答
④  对世界是否可以认识问题的不同回答
【多选题】 辩证唯物主义认识论与旧唯物主义认识论的区别表现在是否承认
①  认识是主体对客体的反映
②  实践是认识的基础
③  认识是一个辩证发展过程
④  世界是可以认识的
【多选题】 唯物主义的时空观认为
①  时间、空间是物质运动的存在形式
②  时间、空间与物质运动不可分割
③  时间、空间既是有限的又是无限的
④  时间、空间既是相对的又是绝对的
【单选题】 拉开新民主主义革命帷幕的是( )。
①  新文化运动
②  五四运动
③  中国共产党成立
④  五卅运动
【单选题】 俄国民主主义者车尔尼雪夫斯基依据唯物主义哲学提出的著名美学命题是( )。
①  美是理念的感性显现
②  美是生活
③  美是关系
④  美是有意味的形式
【单选题】 What are the principles for good lesson planning?
①  Aim, variety, flexibility, learnability and linkage
②  Aim, preparation flexibility and linkage
③  Aim, micro-planning, macro-planning and flexibility
④  Aim, micro-planning, macro-planning and variety.
【单选题】 What is the function of optional activities?
①  Backups in case the lesson goes too fast and there are a few minutes left
②  Prepared for good students
③  Prepared for bad students
④  Used for emergency.
【单选题】 What are very commonly used teaching procedures and stages?
①  Presentation, practice and production
②  Pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading
③  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 What are the guidelines for writing teaching aims in a lesson plan?
①  Clear, brief
②  Specific, students-oriented
③  Specific, teacher-oriented
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 What is discourse competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What is strategic competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.
【单选题】 What are the five components of communicative competence?
①  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
②  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy
③  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
④  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy.
【单选题】 What are the principles of communicative language teaching?
①  Communication principle, task principle and meaningful principle
②  Communication principle, accuracy principle and meaningful principle
③  Communication principle, fluency principle and meaningful principle
④  Communication principle, task principle and purpose principle.
【单选题】 What are the listening and speaking activities in traditional pedagogy?
①  A. Listen to texts either read by the teacher or pre-recorded on the tape; repeat what is heard
②  Answer the questions according to what is heard; produce responses based on given clues
③  Retell what is heard
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 What is fluency competence concerned with?
①  Appropriate use of the language in social context
②  Ability to link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation
③  Strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
④  Knowledge of language itself, its form and meaning.