3、构建公立医院高质量发展新体系,其中说法不正确的是( )

【单选题】 4、构建公立医院高质量发展新体系,其中说法不正确的是( )
①  A、打造国家级和省级高水平医院
②  B、发挥省级医院在全省医共体中的龙头作用
③  C、发挥公立医院在城市医疗集团中的牵头作用
④  D、建立健全分级分层分流的重大疫情救治体系
⑤  E、发挥县级医院在县域医共体中的龙头作用
【单选题】 2、构建公立医院高质量发展新体系,其中说法不正确的是( )
①  A、打造国家级和省级高水平医院
②  B、发挥省级医院在全省医共体中的龙头作用
③  C、发挥公立医院在城市医疗集团中的牵头作用
④  D、建立健全分级分层分流的重大疫情救治体系
⑤  E、发挥县级医院在县域医共体中的龙头作用
【单选题】 1、构建公立医院高质量发展新体系,其中说法不正确的是( )
①  A、打造国家级和省级高水平医院
②  B、发挥省级医院在全省医共体中的龙头作用
③  C、发挥公立医院在城市医疗集团中的牵头作用
④  D、建立健全分级分层分流的重大疫情救治体系
⑤  E、发挥县级医院在县域医共体中的龙头作用
【单选题】 5、构建公立医院高质量发展新体系,其中说法不正确的是( )
①  A、打造国家级和省级高水平医院
②  B、发挥省级医院在全省医共体中的龙头作用
③  C、发挥公立医院在城市医疗集团中的牵头作用
④  D、建立健全分级分层分流的重大疫情救治体系
⑤  E、发挥县级医院在县域医共体中的龙头作用
⑥  ' + n.menu_name + '
【单选题】 3、公立医院高质量发展的内容,错误的是( )
①  A、公立医院高质量发展新体系
②  B、公立医院高质量发展新趋势
③  C、公立医院高质量发展新效能
④  D、公立医院高质量发展新动力
⑤  E、公立医院高质量发展新局面
【单选题】 3、《公立医院高质量发展评价指标》考察公立医院在智慧化时代的创新运营的指标是( )
①  A、收入比
②  B、科研项目
③  C、专科能力
④  D、医疗质控
⑤  E、智慧医院建设成效
【单选题】 4、公立医院高质量发展的内容,错误的是( )
①  A、公立医院高质量发展新体系
②  B、公立医院高质量发展新趋势
③  C、公立医院高质量发展新效能
④  D、公立医院高质量发展新动力
⑤  E、公立医院高质量发展新局面
【单选题】 2、公立医院高质量发展的内容,错误的是( )
①  A、公立医院高质量发展新体系
②  B、公立医院高质量发展新趋势
③  C、公立医院高质量发展新效能
④  D、公立医院高质量发展新动力
⑤  E、公立医院高质量发展新局面
【单选题】 1、公立医院高质量发展的内容,错误的是( )
①  A、公立医院高质量发展新体系
②  B、公立医院高质量发展新趋势
③  C、公立医院高质量发展新效能
④  D、公立医院高质量发展新动力
⑤  E、公立医院高质量发展新局面
【单选题】 5、公立医院高质量发展的内容,错误的是( )
①  A、公立医院高质量发展新体系
②  B、公立医院高质量发展新趋势
③  C、公立医院高质量发展新效能
④  D、公立医院高质量发展新动力
⑤  E、公立医院高质量发展新局面
⑥  ' + n.menu_name + '
【单选题】 Which type does the following production practice belong to? The students repeat what the teacher says. This activity can practice individual sounds, individual words, groups of words, and sentences.
①  Listen and repeat
②  Fill in the blanks
③  Make up sentences
④  Using meaningful context
【单选题】 What does the falling intonation on the question “where do you live ?” indicate?
①  I am telling you something you do not know
②  I have not finished yet
③  I am asking a genuine question
④  I know you have told me before.
【单选题】 What is reflected as important in the following example? A. Would you please turn down the radio a little bit? B. Sorry. ↘ (no, I do not want to.) Or B. Sorry? ↗ (what did you say?)
①  Stress
②  Intonation
③  Sounds
④  Pitch Part
【单选题】 What does the falling intonation on the statement “he is moved to Glasgow.” indicate?
①  I am telling you something you do not know
②  I have not finished yet
③  I am asking a genuine question
④  I know you have told me before.
【单选题】 Which of the following is true about pronunciation teaching?
①  Learners whose native language has similar sounds are less likely to have problems with pronunciation
②  Learners who have more exposure to English need less focus on pronunciation
③  Beginning Chinese learners of English need a certain degree of focus on pronunciation
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following do not belong to minimal pair?
①  Will well
②  Till tell
③  Fill fell
④  Well well.
【单选题】 What are the ways of practicing stress?
①  Use gestures
②  Use the voice
③  Use the blackboard
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following belong to pronunciation perception practice?
①  using minimal pairs, odd one out
②  Which order, completion
③  Same or different
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following is the time when students work as a whole class?
①  When all the students are under the control of the teacher
②  When students work in pairs on an exercise or a task
③  When students work in small groups
④  When students are expected to work on their own at their own speed.
【单选题】 What role does a teacher play in the following activity? While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they don’t know. So they ask the teacher.
①  Controller
②  Assessor
③  participant
④  Resource-provider.