The government official explained that there’s no point ___________ about the cultural gap in that city.

to worry
with them worrying
in worrying
Huangshan is [填空] beautiful city.Its [填空] capital of Anhui.

Ancient Chang’an was seven times _____ the size of today’s Xi’an city.

as much as
that of
Do you like [填空]?

an vegetable
Like knows like.句中的两个like都是用作名词,指“同样的人或物”。该句应该译为“英雄识英雄”。

阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案:Goats are being hired to do the work of people near San Diego. The fires that occurred in Hillborbough four years ago destroyed thirty homes, most of which have been rebuilt. While people were rebuilding the homes, the grasses and bushes were growing back. The area is now so overgrown in bushes that there is again a major danger of fire.The city government put up bids to remove the bushes. The lowest bid they received was $50,000—and that was if the city provided breakfast and lunch for the workers for the six weeks it would take to clear the overgrown area. The city only wanted to give unlimited coffee and a piece of bread a day for each person. When that offer was rejected, the city asked for help on its website.A sheepherder in Montanta and a goat-keeper in San Bernardino read about the city’s plight(困境)while surfing the Web. They both offered to do the job for $25,000. The city government chose the goat-keeper because he lived closer. When he was told that the city dump(垃圾场)was overflowing , the goat-keeper said, “No problem. My goats will eat everything in your dump, except the car engines, of course.” So, for another $5,000, the city killed two birds with one stone. If all goes well, they will invite the goat-keeper and his “family” back every three years. The goat-keeper said that he would probably visit San Diego while his goats were in the dump.5.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The city will remove the bushes in this area regularly.
B. The goat-keeper asked for $50,000 to kill the birds with stones.
C. The goat-keeper was invited to San Diego to do some sightseeing.
D. The city government was not kind to the people who worked for it.
Like a simile, a metaphor is also widely used as a figurative technique in expressions and it also needs the support of the words like, as, as if.

Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[sell out; in other words; consist of; stand for; rely on; demand for; engage in; at hand; yield to; confront with]10. Id just like to move to a neighborhood where I wouldnt have to see all the problemsIam[填空1]every day.

—Would you like to come to our party this weekend?—______.

Yes, it was an interesting party
No, I’d like to
I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party
A: Would you like to order now? B: [填空].

Im full now
But the price is high
Yes, Id like fish and soup
Its very kind of you