【单选题】 下面哪种激光是气体激光?
①  CO2激光
②  半导体激光
③  Nd:YAG激光
④  He-Ne激光
【单选题】 下面哪种激光不属于穿透性激光
①  半导体激光
②  Nd:YAG激光
③  He-Ne激光
④  Er:YAG激光
【单选题】 钬激光属于接触性激光,对人体组织的穿透深度仅为
①  0.3mm
②  0.4mm
③  0.5mm
④  0.6mm
⑤  0.7mm
【单选题】 哪种激光最容易出现炭化?
①  CO2激光
②  半导体激光
③  Nd:YAG激光
④  Er:YAG激光
【单选题】 以下都是光纤铥激光的优势,除了:
①  碎石高效
②  结石移位少
③  爆破效应强
④  切割安全
⑤  噪音低
【单选题】 下列哪项不是绿激光手术的优点()
①  适合老年危重患者
②  汽化前列腺组织彻底
③  出血少
④  对周围组织损伤小
【单选题】 绿激光止血好是因为其能被下列哪种组织吸收?
①  血红蛋白
③  血红蛋白加水
④  前列腺组织
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 哪种激光或光电设备不常用于治疗酒渣鼻?
①  脉冲染料激光(PDL)
②  长脉宽Nd:YAG激光
③  静脉注入光敏剂的光动力疗法(PDT)
④  强脉冲光(IPL)
⑤  半导体激光
【单选题】 哪种激光既可以软组织又用于硬组织治疗?
①  CO2激光
②  半导体激光
③  Nd:YAG激光
④  Er:YAG激光
【单选题】 泌尿外科常用的激光包括
①  绿激光
②  铥激光
③  钬激光
④  半导体激光
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 13. A fire broke out at the school but the teacher were able to lead the ___________ children to safety.
①  frightened
②  frightening
③  frighten
④  fright
【单选题】 17.I dont think we can finish all the work before Friday, ____we?
①  shall
②  will
③  can
④  do
【单选题】 20.Nice day,isnt ________?
①  that
②  it
③  all
④  with
【单选题】 19.Though she talks little, she has made _______ friends here.
①  a few
②  few
③  littlle
④  a little
【单选题】 14.I will ________ the tea for you.
①  burn
②  cook
③  make
④  catch
【单选题】 I noticed she avoids making any reference _______ her first husband in her latest
①  with
②  in
③  on
④  to
【单选题】 In all his songs the great composer expresses a longing ________ his own country.
①  of
②  abou
③  for
④  to
【单选题】 It’s ___________ to see these tiny children play the piano so beautifully.
①  amaze
②  amazingly
③  amazed
④  amazing
【单选题】 I should think they have done it ________, to avoid paying you the money.
①  with purpose
②  on purpose
③  in purpose
④  to purpose
【单选题】 It is a huge task to ______ all the rooms in the building in such a short time.
①  go ahead with
②  keep up
③  clean up
④  work out